Is the opt out forums not working again?

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Is there a way to get all the forum numbers so the list will be more current?
Here’s an attempt to update James’ 2004 list.
Since ScubaBoard is dynamic, the list will age.

49 ScubaBoard Site news
436 Storm Watch
418 In the News
478 Shows & Events
339 DEMA Board
445 Show Journal (Blog)
449 Industry News
446 Photos & Video
444 DEMA 2004
456 Florida Dive Show
393 Tsunami
19 Introductions and Greets
93 Site Support
212 Suggestions
169 Photo Gallery
164 Testing Forum
6 New Divers & Those Considering Diving
2 Basic Scuba Discussions
344 Instructor’s Panel
3 Underwater Photography
447 Diver Dude Photo Contest
92 Tips & Techniques
210 Digital Darkroom
404 Darkroom Tutorials
198 The Oly Outlet
411 Socal Oly Users Group
309 Canon Corner
429 Nikon Niche
354 Members Marine Art
343 Videography
43 Technical Diving Specialties
166 DIR
417 DIR Trips, Classes & Marketplace
46 Wreck Diving
205 Wreck Exploration and Expeditions
45 Cave Diving
277 Public Safety Divers
278 Training Practices & Equipment
281 Ideas and Stories
282 Dive related accidents and problems
333 Hogarthian Diving
47 Tek Trip Reports
346 Divers with Disabilities
94 Marine Science and Physiology
15 Ask Dr. Decompression
4 Diving Medicine
63 Marine Life & Ecosystems
360 Name that Critter
395 Shark Forum!
286 Accidents and Incidents
298 Near misses & Lessons Learned
342 Snorkeling / Freediving
302 Underwater Hunting
427 Underwater Treasures
204 Scouts in Scuba (& Other Youth Groups)
76 Accessories
77 Gear Bags & Cases
80 Knives & Cutting Tools
79 Lift Bags & SMB’s
65 Lights
18 Buoyancy Compensators (BC’s) and weight systems
17 Computers, Gauges, Watches & Analyzers
30 Exposure Suits
31 Fins, Masks & Snorkels
13 General Scuba Equipment Discussions
304 The Sea Hunt Era
16 Regulators

32 Tanks, Valves and Bands
14 Rebreathers
75 Do It Yourself – DIY
98 Making your own gear
99 Repairing your own gear
352 Q&A from your Manufacturers
197 Boating Equipment
28 General Travel & Vacation Discussions
207 Charter Boats, Cruises & Liveaboards
329 Trips & Local Marketplace… Cruises & Liveaboards
420 United States
292 Arizona Scuba
314 Trips & Local Marketplace…Ariz
362 Calendar
61 California Kelp Divers
87 NorCal
230 Trips & Local Marketplace…NorCal
363 Calendar
88 SoCal
231 Trips & Local Marketplace…SoCal
364 Calendar
83 Deep Dixie Divers
448 Lake Lanier Loony Birds
236 Trips & Local Marketplace…Deep Dixie
369 Calendar
55 Florida Conch Divers
237 Trips & Local Marketplace…Fl Conch
370 Calendar
188 Great Lakes Wrecking Crew
238 Trips & Local Marketplace…Great Lakes
413 Lake Effects Divers
371 Calendar
58 Kentucky Piranha Patrol
239 Trips & Local Marketplace…KY
373 Calendar
291 Hawai’i O’hana
299 Hawaiian Surface Intervals
315 Trips & Local Marketplace…Hawaii
372 Calendar
59 Mid-Atlantic Bottom Feeders
240 Trips & Local Marketplace…Mid Atlantic
374 Calendar
312 Mid-West Muck Divers
316 Trips & Local Marketplace…Mid-West
375 Calendar
73 NC Wreck Divers
241 Trips & Local Marketplace…NC Wreck
376 Calendar
56 New England Lobsta Divahs
242 Trips & Local Marketplace…NE Lobstah
377 Calendar
81 Pacific Northwest Orca Bait
243 Trips & Local Marketplace…Pac NW
378 Calendar
400 Rocky Mountain Oysters
401 Trips & Local Marketplace…Rocky Mountain Oysters
402 Calendar
34 Texas Swamp Divers
244 Trips & Local Marketplace…Texas
379 Calendar
84 Wreck Valley
246 Trips & Local Marketplace…Wreck Valley
383 Calendar
170 Canada
341 Canadian Wreck Preservation
171 Eastern Canada
232 Trips & Local Marketplace…E Can
365 Calendar
177 Northern Canada
233 Trips & Local Marketplace…N Can
366 Calendar
54 Ontario Fresh Water Freaks
289 Coordinates
234 Trips & Local Marketplace…OFWF
367 Calendar
176 Western Canada
437 Southern BC Spyhoppers
438 Trips & Local Marketplace
235 Trips & Local Marketplace…W Can
368 Calendar
29 Mexico
325 Trips & Local Marketplace… Mexico
391 Calendar
208 Cozumel
425 Trips & Local Marketplace… Mexico
392 Calendar
21 Africa/Middle East
319 Trips & Local Marketplace… Africa/Middle East
385 Calendar
422 Asia
22 General Asia
320 Trips & Local Marketplace… Asia
386 Calendar
307 Zen Divers
317 Trips & Local Marketplace…
384 Calendar
347 Philippine Paradise Divers
348 Trips & Local Marketplace…
381 Calendar
455 Dive-O-Rama
459 Barangay Pasaway
27 Australia & the Pacific Islands
321 Trips & Local Marketplace… Australia & Pac Islands
387 Calendar
23 Greater Caribbean & Bahamas
453 Cayman Islands – Tropical Adventurer Magazine
322 Trips & Local Marketplace… El Caribe & Bahamas
388 Calendar
423 Europe
477 General Europe
471 Central and Eastern Europe
473 Trips & Local Marketplace…Central and Eastern Europe
475 Calendar
472 Scandinavia
474 Trips & Local Marketplace…Scandinavia
476 Calendar
57 UK Wreck Ferrets
245 Trips & Local Marketplace…UK Wreck Ferrets
382 Calendar
25 Western Europe
324 Trips & Local Marketplace…Western Europe
390 Calendar
424 Central and South America
24 General Central and South America
323 Trips & Local Marketplace… Central and South America
389 Calendar
412 Military Divers
415 Trips & Local Marketplace… Military
351 Hot Deals
220 Gear / Equipment Classifieds
308 Photo Gear
432 Marine Art & Photography
214 Travel: Group trips, Cruises & Dive Trips
435 Special Announcements
223 Services
359 Help Wanted
397 Research and Development
51 Non-Diving Related Stuff
433 Good Causes, Petitions & Solicitations
89 Women’s Views
5 Diving Related
90 Non Diving Related
64 Humor, Games, Clips, Yarns & Tales
428 Scuba Poetry
271 Dive into Fitness
272 Diet Strategies
273 Strength Conditioning & Exercise
274 Special Needs
276 SB Fitness Challenge
283 Food & Recipes
301 Kudos
300 Whine & Cheeze
Here’s an attempt to update James’ 2004 list.
Since ScubaBoard is dynamic, the list will age.
It has already aged... :11:

Here's the new version (MS Word).
This one too will age.

Forums that have been greyed out are either opt-in or only accessible for specific User Groups.
El Orans:
It has already aged... :11:

Here's the new version (MS Word).
This one too will age.

Forums that have been greyed out are either opt-in or only accessible for specific User Groups.

Thanks. So besides Capt. Gary and Adm Brenda, are you diving with Micky Mouse?:D
El Orans is right, my list is missing 8 forums.

But I still can’t get the technique to work right! Using either list, and carefully double-checking what I’ve done, I still get posts from some excluded forums, and worse, I do not get posts from some forums that I did not exclude. Maybe I have too many excludes? Any hints?

When will that missing plug-in return?
Send me the URL and I'll have a look at it.
El Orans:
Send me the URL and I'll have a look at it.
I did. El Orans spotted a period where I should have had a comma. I'll try again after a while. Thank you El.
El Orans:
Here's the new version (MS Word).
Forums that have been greyed out are either opt-in or only accessible for specific User Groups.
And again, it has aged... :)
OK, finally figured this out. While seeing if I could make this work, I was using Control-Click from within Word to follow the link I had built. When I do this, it truncates the list to about 55 forums. The fix was to create a shortcut (as someone else suggested), and it works fine.

Also: if you’re a member of any private forums, log on before using the new URL, in order to have those forums included.

It would be nice though, if they’d bring back the missing feature.

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