Thank you for the voluble info. Appreciate an idea how to make the 12-50mm work with the Oly PT-EP05, yet without having to spend on a new Nauticam hosing.
The only option is putting a dome port on the PT-EP05L, in stead of the standard port.
According to this German guy, the Zen WA-100 port has enough space for the 12-50. Zen also lists the PT-EP05L as working with the dome port, but not the 12-50 lens (possbily due to lack of official zoom gear).
PT-EP01 und mit Olympus E-PL1 und 12-50 - diskutiert auf Taucher.Net
In my first post in this topic, there is a link to the unofficial zoom gear for the 12-50.
My source for the 12-50 not fitting the PT-EP05L is this site by the way (the 60mm macro is identical in length to the 12-50):
Olympus 60mm macro lens review - great option for mirrorless camera macro underwater photography|Underwater Photography Guide