Is Khao Lak scuba adventure dishonor???

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I had done one liveaboard with them and I felt that they had a great crew, especially Joe, therefore I am planning to join them again.

But after I got the initial quote from them via email, they officially send in a quotation for my payment, there was some mistake in the quote, therefore I had told Vivi that this is incorrect, next she again instead of honoring the pricing that she 1st quoted, she raised additional amount to the quote and say she is sorry that she made a lot of mistake.

To a business point of view, I do not feel that this is acceptable.

The amount is not just a few hundred baht but thousands.

I think their management should really looking into this dishonor behavior and I hope that their management do give me a very good explanation to this matter.
More details are needed for anyone else to make any judgment. People do make honest mistakes at times. What were you quoted? What was the timing of the the messages? Did they apologize? How?
More details are needed for anyone else to make any judgment. People do make honest mistakes at times. What were you quoted? What was the timing of the the messages? Did they apologize? How?

xxxx hrs - stated the 1st quote with 2 options
xxxx hrs + 10 mins - informed them I would like to have the twin beded.
xxxx hrs + 2 hrs - officially given me the quotation for payment. the amount come up to be additional of 2,000 baht
xxxx hrs + 2 hrs + 16 mins - informed them that the quotation is wrong and also can they reduced the deposit, as there is additional credit card charges for online payment.
xxxx hrs + 2 hrs + 46 mins - she stated that this is the regulation and I would need to pay the deposit via online, but she did not revised the quote that was wrong.
xxxx hrs + 3 hrs + 5 mins -I informed her, it's fine for the deposit, but can she revised to the correct quotation that she 1st had quoted me?
xxxx hrs + 4 hrs + 10 mins - she say she was confused with a lot of email i had sent to her and she has already given me a lot of discount, which was 2,500 off for having my own gears and X amount for returned customer. The final quote increased by another 4,000 baht.
xxxx hrs + 4 hrs + 25 mins - I stated pls honor the 1st quote.
xxxx hrs + 4 hrs + 30 mins - She say no.

So how many times did she make the mistakes?

I can also turned the table and say i want to have 20 pax to go, then when I have arrived, I can tell them it is a mistake and I am sorry. there is only 2 pax and I am going to pay for the 2 pax fee only. So is this okay?

From my prospective, once I have committed, I will stick to what I have committed.
People do make mistake.
Whenever I received a quote I always reconfirm everything immediately to avoid any unintentional mistake.
Perhaps the op should contact the owner directly to express his grievance.
People do make mistake.
Whenever I received a quote I always reconfirm everything immediately to avoid any unintentional mistake.
Perhaps the op should contact the owner directly to express his grievance.

Taking in that people do make mistakes.

But for this, how many times can the person make the same mistake?

Most likely, people will forgive for the 1st mistake, but for this case. Clearly this is more than 1 mistake.

---------- Post added February 16th, 2015 at 01:34 AM ----------

just to close the loop for this post.
she emailed me back after seeing my comments in trip adviser and willing to give me the actual amount she has quoted. Since there is an agreement, I had remove the comments in trip adviser.
So blackmail does work. Good for you.
You consider posting a (presumably) honest but negative review blackmail?
Perhaps the op should contact the owner directly to express his grievance.

Precisely. If you have a problem with the vendor, take it up with them. Trying to shame them on here isn't likely to help your case any.

For what it's worth, I tried to follow your timeline and it sounds like they made an error, which they advised you of before you had paid them anything. I think that that is key. Had you paid them a deposit, that binds you both to the contract. Since they corrected the error prior to you completing the booking, no contract is in place... no harm, no foul. You can either accept the new price, or you can decline to pay and not go, or you can try to negotiate something more acceptable.

In any event, you won't resolve it here.
Precisely. If you have a problem with the vendor, take it up with them. Trying to shame them on here isn't likely to help your case any.

I'm not so sure. Shaming them on TripAdvisor apparently worked and got further discounts for the OP. I just hope it was an honest and complete review. What I see above doesn't show enough details for me to make a judgment that the company was dishonor[able].

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