Is it ok for a wing to leak VERY slowly?

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Oak Park, Calif.
If your wing loses air very slowly... almost not noticeable but shows up when submerged.... is that a big problem? Is it expensive to have a valve rebuilt or replaced?

This is on a Halcyon Pioneer wing.

My advise would be to have it checked out. But it really depends on where it's leaking. If it's a valve then it probably just has a grit of sand lodged in it and you can easily fix that yourself by just disassembling the affected valve, cleaning it and putting it back together. If the bladder is punctured, then usually an innertube patch will fix that.
Doesn't make a lot of sense to dive with it. It will probably get worse and not better, as your diving is done in a high pressure enviroment.

I would get it fixed. How expensive can it get. Life is more expensive, so is a trip to the nearest pressure chamber.

Ari :)
Anyone know off hand the cost to replace an inflator valve on say a Halcyon Pioneer wing? Am checking around and it appears to be approx. $50 (part)... but will check more after the holiday.

Anyone replace the inflator valve on their Halcyon wing?

How old is that wing? I would contact Halcyon and/or EE to find out what is covered. From my experience and what I have witnessed they stand behind their products pretty good.

But to answer your question, fix it before the next dive, the wing is life support stuff.


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