Is it just better media coverage or something else?

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Reaction score
Greeley, CO 80631
# of dives
200 - 499
My condolences to all the families that have loss love ones recently.

It sure seems we are experiencing a lot more deaths than normal. Not all due to inexperience either. It sure would be a learning experience if we could some how get additional information. Was the accident caused by an “accident”, equipment, health, etc? I know this data is hard to come by since the media seldom conduct a follow up. It still would be nice to know the real cause and not just diver drowns.
I think it's the time of year more than anything, more newbies, vacation divers, lobster hunters, people who don't dive often.

DAN does excellent analysis based on the information they can obtain every year. See their web site.
All we really know is that there are more deaths in one period of time reported on ScubaBoard. How the annual numbers work out... We will see.

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