I live in Beaufort, SC... About 45 minutes from Savannah.
1. Who told you that the dive shops are closed until May? That's just not correct! There's lots and lots of diving to be done here, year 'round!
2. If you don't look me up when you get here, I'm going to be really upset.

I'm always looking for great dive buddies.
3. Ginne's great, and I wholeheartedly recommend it. It's amazingly clear, and 70* year-round. A great place to explore caverns and enjoy some really great, relaxing dives. The on-site dive shop is tops.
4. That said, there's no way that any freshwater diving comes anywhere close to diving a wreck in the clear waters of offshore SC/GA. You will seriously miss out on some of the best diving in the world if you do that. I'm talkin' lots and lots of sea life, great wrecks that never get explored, and tons and tons of dive opportunities. Sure, I'm biased, but I've got a boat here that takes us out for $70 per person on two-tank dives. It's a steal. The diving wasn't this good in the Bahamas!
5. Check my site at LCscuba.com for more information. There's vids and pics from our dives, info on Gray's Reef, wreck coordinates... You name it. That should give you incentive.
6. See you there!