String once bubbled...
"Doing it wrong" !?
Unless you're diving twins and/or stages a dry suit is perfectly adequate for controlling buoyancy and provided you arent overweighted you dont have a huge bubble.
It greatly reduces task loading (especially with manual or cuff dumps) meaning you only have to mess with 1 expanding air source on ascent.
If you shoulder auto dump is working the way it should and you have good trim, you don't really have to mess with your drysuit at all to get it to dump on the ascent. You have manual or cuff dump? Well change it for an auto dump.
Why should I learn to use my drysuit for buoyancy when diving a single and then learn to use my BC to control my buoyancy when I start diving doubles and stages? Why not use a consistent method that is proven to work?
Whether it is a big bubble or small bubble in my drysuit, I prefer to have no bubble at all and have just enough gas in my suit to counteract the squeeze.