captndale:At the time that Dacor was Purchased I owned a dive shop in the Chicago area (I've since sold it.) I would, from time to time, get Dacor regulators in from my customers for service. Since I was not a Dacor dealer, I would send them out to another store in the area that was an authorized Dacor dealer for service. Shortly after the Dacor sale the supply of repair parts dried up. Although the Dacor representatives denied that there was any shortage of parts, no one had any. I saw an opportunity, and sent an offer to my customers to purchase their old Dacor regulators if they would purchase a new Scubapro regulator from my store. I took the Dacor regulators that I got and donated them to the Boy Scouts. Emails quickly circulated on the internet accusing me of trying to buy myself out of some kind of Dacor warranty problem. It was pretty nasty. The Dacor trade-in offer appeared a short time later, but it was not quite as good as the one I had made.
This reminds me of a story. A father and his young son were walking one evening near a stream and they saw two turtles, one behind the other with his front legs up on the other turtle's shell. The son asked his father waht was going on, and the father replied "Well, the turtle in the back has sore front feet, and the one in front is helping him get home." To which the son replied "See, you try to help someone out and you get screwed every time!"