Is Blue Hole dive worth the money?

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I am traveling to Belize soon to dive around Turneffe Atoll area (staying on Blackbird Caye). One of the dives offered is to the infamous Blue Hole. Its about a 2 hour boat ride and costs $240 per person to go. I'd like opinions from those who've done the dive as to whether its worth the money.

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

First, I moved this from general travel to the Belize forum.

I wonder if we should create a sticky since this question is asked frequently.

Short answer ... no. Long answer ... well, you'll hear them.
I'll stick with Pedro's short answer....
no no no no no no no no no no no no!
I would love to dive that place man. Dont listed to these folks saying no no no. Any person looking at a picture of a blue hole would be saying to him / herself, "Geez... I wonder what this would look from inside!" Yes it is worth it even if its boring as hell. Dont do it the second time but for the first time? YEAAA
I don't think the Blue Hole is worth a special trip, or worth the money, though some people seem to. Mostly it's just heavily marketed with those cool aerial photos. (I did it first time I was there on a liveaboard, since I was sitting on top of it anyway. Second time I was there on a liveaboard, I skipped it. Third time on a liveaboard, all the passengers voted against it.)

Most Blue Hole trips you will do 2 other dives in that area, which may be some of your best dives in Belize, but I'm still not sure it's worth the trip or money involved.

What is your dive experience? Aside from whether it is worth it, it's not something inexperienced divers should really do (even though many do.)
Hit or miss. For me it depends if the sharks are there. First time I was there 20+ reef sharks. Second time 1... The stalactights are not much to look at and 130+ ft is dangerously deep if everyone is not trained for deep dives or if a problem arises. Don't rely on DM, or instabuddy... The Boobie sanctuary and subsequent dives are worth the trip IMHO.
Intermediate diver. Have my AOW. And about 70 dives. From the comments it sounds like the day as a whole is worth it - my package would include two additional dives plus a bbq lunch on one of the islands, even if the BH itself isn't spectacular. I enjoy marine life but also wrecks and caverns so thinking may be worth a try.
I've not been but when my husband and I were considering going ( he's been before) he told me he wouldn't go back. He said it was boring and not worth the money. He would much rather spend his day and money on the other Belize dives.
Are you comfortable doing what is essentially a "deco" dive lead by someone else, along with a boat full of people you do not know, to a depth of 130 to 140 feet? If so, go for it. Realize that the "stop" that you do at 40 to 60 feet on the way back up is not just "to look at the reef".

As many will tell you, the dives you do afterwards are spectacular, and that is no lie. The snorkelling at the Blue Hole is also tremendous.

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