Is anyone using the Liquivison X1 as a recreational computer?

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Buffalo NY
Hey everyone,

I am wondering if anyone out there is using an X1 as a recreational diving computer? Most of the diving I do is technical in nature so I am only using and currently only own true bottom timers (Zen and UWATEC). I was planning on waiting for the Liquivision Zeo to be released but since it has been delayed until late July I really don't want to wait. What I am wondering is although I now it overkill for a purely recreational diver, is anyone using one in that manner? I already use Vplanner so it seems like a logical fit for technical dives, I just want to make sure it performs well for the recreational dives that I am doing on EAN 32. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated before I spend the money. Thanks everyone.
I use mine for every dive. About 1/3 of my dives are deco obligated, the rest are NDL profiles.

It has been great for recreational dives. Actually I believe it's NDL results more than Suunto and Pelagic (Oceanic/Aeris/DSAT). On trips, where we do 5 dives a day using 32%, no issues with profiles at all.

The only trip-related "problem" has been the need to charge it every other day. The battery charge % indicators are definitely optomistic, I discovered this when I got in the water with 60% charge remaining and it died on the dive.

Otherwise, it has been remarkably flexible. For example, I routinely use 40% for OW class dives, and it's nice to have it just take the gas you're using without complaining.

Also, we'll occasionally mix a nice long NDL recreational dive with a deco dive on the same day, and the X1 handles it with aplomb. For obligated dives I use RD concurrently with the X1, but it is good to be able to do regular ol' recreational dives with confidence about the influence from the deeper dive - or, vice-versa.

I, too, have a Xen. I love the display, and I love the interface, so I can forgive it's appetite for batteries. If the Xeo was being released with V-Planner, I would consider ditching my X1. However, the Xeo won't have V-Planner (not yet, anyway), and VPM has been very good for my body and leaves me feeling great at +3. So I will stick with VPM. Plus, I have the latest X1 hardware chassis, and the latest MultiDeco version. Both have been flawless over ~200 dives, and the system is very mature, something else that makes me loath to move to something less stable. (I know the earlier hardware/software versions had teething issues. This hasn't happened to me or anyone else I dive with that has the same ver of the X1).

Anyway, have at it. I've had narry a niggle, and feel hamstrung without the flexibility of the X1 on any dive.

All the best, James
Pretty much what James said -- I run the VPM software on my X1 during recreational dives, while also doing my own depth averaging and dive monitoring. The VPM software tracks very well with the other method, and I like the fact that, if I do push the limits a bit, the gauge doesn't get sulky and decide to take its marbles and go home.
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Count me as another one who uses the X1 for all my dives whether they are cave (80%) or recreational (20%). The only "drawback" is that it doesn't have an automatic safety stop feature like most recreational computers. It's really not a big deal, you just have to remember to glance at the computer and make a mental note of your arrival time at your safety stop and when you can surface. Or you can use the stopwatch function.

For recreational diving, it's the equivalent of taking your Ferrari to the grocery store, not very practical, but a whole lot of fun!

When we dive together, my buddy puts his spare X1 on me and I can compare it with my Tec 2G and N2ition3. I have 1400+ dives mostly recreational, but over 100+ with deco obligations. I find the X1 easier to use than either of mine and it is less complicated with changing gas mixes and making the switches during the dive. If only it didn't cost twice what my two cost combined. The X1 is also less conservative than either of the other 2. It is usually clear well before either of the others 5 min deco vs 12 min deco with the Tec 2G vs over 20 minutes deco with N2ition3 on one recent dive.
I don't care for the price tag but am looking at the Liquivision line to replace my Suunto Vytec. Currently I am only doing NDL dives but as my skills increase, I plan on going deeper on some local wrecks and know I will be into deco diving. Suunto is overly complicated for setting parameters and seems overly conservative my diving. Plus my old eyes aren't what they use to be and the Liquivision looks MUCH easier to read. I am wondering how the rechargeable battery will handle the 40 degree water temps at depth. Anyone know the procedure for replacing the battery when it won't hold a charge anymore?
package it up & send it back.

have you considered a xeo? should be shipping any ol' day!

then mine will come soon!
I use my X1 in water in the mid 40's all winter (I think the coldest I've been in was 43) and I really haven't noticed a difference in battery life between that and warmer water. The rechargeable battery is replaceable, but only at the factory.

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