Is a liveaboard a must?

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San Jose, CA
# of dives
100 - 199
I did my OW in Belize several years ago. As a newbie I was focused on skills rather than the scenery. Id like to go back. I'm sure the local dives are good off AC but I heard/read they don't compare to the cayes which either need hrs to get to by boat for day trip or liveaboard. Thinking of a week and wonder if I would get bored quick.

I love the island life at AC and CC along with the nightlife as I travel solo. Is an entire week too much to do just local dives?
Our first live aboard is going to be the Belize Aggressor III for a week, at up to 5 dives a day I don't expect to be bored, sure hope I am not disappointed.
Yes, Belize is well suited for liveaboard diving. You wake up to a new site each day and dive. Then move a short boat ride to new sites. Very Easy!

You will not be bored. You will be too busy diving some of best sites in Belize!
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Sorry I was not clear. I do NOT want to do a liveaboard. Will I be board with a week of diving off AC & CC?

I'm traveling solo and want to stick with AC & CC.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, no, you will not be bored.

You'll enjoy the diving off and the nightlife on both cayes.

You may want to consider taking the Blue Hole/Lighthouse Caye run from AC while you're there just to break things up a bit.
Sorry I was not clear. I do NOT want to do a liveaboard. Will I be board with a week of diving off AC & CC?

I'm traveling solo and want to stick with AC & CC.
OK, you will be fine diving off AC & CC and should not get bored, unless you tend to get bored with above average Caribbean diving.
... Will I be board with a week of diving off AC & CC?...
Well, now, that totally depends on you, doesn't it? I know that I can say without qualification that I would not be bored with a week of diving most any site in Belize... or a year, or several years, for that matter. I also know folks who get bored diving the same site twice. It's a point-of-view thing. A lot of it has to do with education... the more you know about the coral reef community, the more you know you don't know, and the more there is to explore and observe; the more one explores and observes, the more wonder one sees, if one is observant, and the more mystery one discovers to explore on the next dive. I have yet to discover the back side of that equation - that is, I've yet to make a dive that doesn't present more questions than it answers. I guess that could happen, but I doubt it :)
If you don't already have 'em, get Humann's Caribbean Reef set (Reef Fish, Reef Creatures, Reef Coral), and DeLoach's Reef Fish Behavior.
Make up your mind that you'll find tons of new stuff on every dive, and you will!
I was on the BA III last March for my first liveaboard experience. I enjoyed it very much and had a great time. Will definitely do a liveaboard again in the future. However, after we left the boat early Saturday AM we took the water taxi to Ambergris and stayed our final night there. We didn't do any diving but had a blast. Thinking of a return trip in the future some time we stopped in at Ramon's to ask some questions and found that not only could we easily do 4-5 dives a day from AC but they also run regular day trips out to Half Moon and the other Cayes. If I were to do it over again, and when we go next time, we'll stay on AC and dive from there. We'll be able to do all of the sites we did on BAIII, maybe not quite as easily but what we'd give up in convenience would be more than made up for in accommodations, food options, etc. In addition my non-diving spouse would then be able to come along as well!
I doubt 4-5 dives a day. 3 is about it for most people. And you can find much better and cheaper than Ramon's. But yes, I agree with your thrust.

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