Is 3.5 months post op too early to dive?

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Reaction score
Drayton, Ontario, Canada
# of dives
200 - 499
Hi All;

I need an answer to a quick question. I had open heart surgery to repair a VSD on Nov 5th of this year. I have recovered very well, and have been back to work for a month, back to the gym, etc, etc. My cardiologist and my family doctor have both OK'ed me to dive, my heart is in great shape, and there is no leaking around the patch (according to 2 echos). I have booked a dive trip to Coz on Feb 22, 3.5 months post op, and have presented the dive op with a letter from my family doc saying I am OK to dive. The dive op is asking me for a letter from a hyperbaric doctor, rather than from an "ordinary" doctor. My hyperbaric doc is VERY difficult to get to see (3-4 months wait usually), so it will be hard to get a referrel from him (although I have e-mailed him, and hold some faint hope). My question......what is your learned opinions on my fitness to dive? Other than being post op, there is NO reason that I would any problem to dive. I have been lifting weights and riding the bike at the gym for almost a month.

Thanks for any advice.

Hi Wetvet,

Why would your dive operator know anything about your recent medical history? Are you doing dive training and must fill out a medical release?

I dived 8 weeks following an uneventful sigmoid colectomy. This was my decision based on my medical condition. I could have dived earlier but this was my 1st opportunity.

If I were you, I would switch operators and dive without the requirement of clearance by a hyperbaric physician. I think you should take responsibility for your level of activity. The decision is yours and your primary care physicians. Your decision seems very reasonable. If you require validation by a hyperbaric physician, by all means, seek that opinion. None of us are going to suggest an answer for you.

There are many very good operators on Cozumel, I am partial to Aldora Divers. Best of luck in coming to a decision regarding your activity.

Good diving, Craig
The problem comes from the fact that this dive operator is a distant friend. We have dove with them before, know them a bit from home, and they knew of my surgery because that. Not close friends, but people we would talk to once a year or so.......also makes using another operator awkward. I will definitely do that if it comes down to diving with someone else or not diving at all!!! Thanks for the comments.


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