My wife and I are heading down for 2 1/2 weeks of diving this December. We are not starting our 14 days of non-stop diving until we've spent a day on the island. 'Nuf said. However, we are in our very late 40's and early 50's and we prefer to play it safer as we get older. No doubt about it we used to fly to a destination and eat our asses off in airport terminals, guzzle water on the plane and upon final arrival run to the nearest to rest room to take a pee. Then on to the accommodations to get unpacked eat whatever and hydrate as such as possible to wake up the next day and be on a boat ASAP. We don't do that anymore. For those who are younger and still roll like, that God bless them. One of the greatest things about aging is most have more $, can stay longer, and no longer have the need to cram the max of dives into whatever the limits of their vacation allows. It is really cool these days to just kick back and chill and dive with lots of time.