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Rhede, Germany
Hello everybody! I`m new in this scene and want to introduce myself. I`m a waterfan for over 40 years, I`m married with a wife, who is not so to be in or under water. But it`s no problem for us. My wife accepts my hobby and we have many other things to share together! I like especially diving, seeing synchronized swimming and look everything in discovery channel with underwater themes.
I hope you can understand my english, because school time is very far away!
Welcome to ScubaBoard! I came here to look for help with my scuba diving dream and the response has been fantastic. So, I know you will enjoy being a member here. There are a lot of nice and informative scuba divers. It's a good place to meet other divers and share experiences and dreams. Take care and Happy Diving. Matt. :snorkels::yl2jump:

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No experience needed and it feels great!
Great to have you here and glad to hear your wife supports you even if she doesnt have the addiction to the water that we all share ;)
Howdy and Welcome to SB

And your English is fine - better than mine actually. I talk too much like a country boy still. Glad you're here, and hope to see you around the forums.

don :cowboy:
Hey there st303wat,
Welcome to SB and no problem reading your English. Got to love the Discovery channel, they put on some good shows, watch it all the time. So how did you get your non-diving wife to accept your diving hobby? Unlimited shopping? ;)
Greetings and welcome to the boards!

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