Introducing myself

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Hey all,

Due to persistent proding :wink: I guess I'd better introduce myself.

I'm relatively new to the list and found it after many failed attempts at finding dive buddies. I just got shifted over to weekends about a month ago and you call can image how hard it can be to find weekday dive buddies if you didn't know anyone from this list. Thus my copious "weekday buddies" posts and lack of quick responses on weekends as I sneak checking the board when my bosses aren't looking.

I certified in 2000 for college gym credit and just started diving in New England this summer. Believe it or not, this is the warmest I've ever dived... my check out dives were done in 34 deg F water (luckily in a dry suit) but nonetheless, it t'was an experience that did not encourage immediate addiciton to bubbling. Since I've gotten back into it this summer, I've gotten addicted to these "toasty" conditions and have logged almost 20 dives in the past two months.

I'm even more psyched about diving, since after a few too many "bad rental gear karmic fits," I've finally taken the plunge and bought my full set-up. The ordered gear is slowly trickling in and now I'm able to dive on almost no notice! YAY

I'm still relatively new and therefore diving a bit conservatively, but I'm comfortable down to 60 feet and am hoping to slowly expose myself to new dive sites and conditions. I'm definitely much happier now that I have my own gear that I know where it's been and know that it will work. I will probably take the Advanced class next late spring/summer and hope to do a ghetto dive vacation somewhere warm this winter. (Ghetto = drive down and pitch a tent next to a dive shop's compressor).

In the non-underwater parts of my life I recently graduated from Colgate University with a BA in physics-astronomy and technical theater and I currently work LASER show and public science education. I'm an avid skier and don't plan on doing too much winter diving while the snow is good, but will probably rent a dry suit and get a couple of dives in for S*^%s and Giggles.

Well that's about it... if you want to know more you'll have to dive with me!

Ta ta for now... and back to work. :puter:
welcome to the board mer :)
Let me know if you want a ski buddy! I'm not the greatest skiier but I do ok. Nothing like a crisp, clear, blue skied day to go down a nice mountain, hopefully on some fluffy white powdah (but most likely some ice)... Just like diving, if you can ski here you can ski anywhere... so they say - whoever THEY are... I think THEY are out to get me, shhh - I gotta go... ;-)
shellbird once bubbled...
Let me know if you want a ski buddy! I'm not the greatest skiier but I do ok.

I've been thinking of offering up a NELD ski weekend... whenever I figure out my racing schedule this year. I'll put up a post when I see what's what...
Thanks for all the warm welcomes. The Lobsta Divahs I've met so far have been very nice. You'll all be happy to know that gmbaker gave me a full dose of introductory abuse :boxing: yesterday at lunch following our low-vis diving/ body surfing adventure.

Looking forward to diving (or skiing) with you all in the future.


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