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Guelph, Ont.
Hi I have been diving for about 35 years alot out of Tub. I have been to sites in Mexico, Venusuala, Bermuda and North Carilina. I hope to meet dive partners and new dive site info.especially on how to get there or contacts on dive boats. Hoping to go south diving this winter tring to get some ideas together.

Catch you later

Hey and welcome to the board.

Head south east to Florida, our waters are nice and warm!!!!!
Have you posted on your local forum here yet? I'm on Utila Island this week, but wanted to log on long enough to welcome our new members. :D

:bandit_2: don
:thumb: Hello Divall, I wanted to give you a warm welcome to Scuba Board. You came to the right place to meet other divers and find answers for things you are looking for. If you have any questions please let me know and (you can PM me also) I will try and point you in the right direction. and Safe Diving. Matt. :drummer:

Click here to greet a new member!

No experience needed and it feels great!
Hey and welcome to the board.


Hi Rich just looking for new sites and accurate locations to find them. Any ideas or advise. Late I didn't know what PM was ussually has an S.
Thanks Divall
Head south east to Florida, our waters are nice and warm!!!!!

Hi baitedstorm different handle trying to locate new destination and specific locations to dive this winter. No ice diving anymore. Any reviews or advise is welcome.

Thanks Divall
El Orans:
Hello Divall,

welcome (Scub)aBoard! :happywave

That's quite a career... :D


Hi El Orans quite a handle I have just been trying to getadvise or reviews on dive sites for the winter. Not any more ice diving.

Thanks Divall
Welcome Aboard!

Indiana whats and I don't why! Name that tune. Hi Mishelle I've been looking for new dive sites for the winter. Any advive or reviews of some locations that do not have ice diving I just use it in the drinks right now. Catch you later.

Keep Wet Divall

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