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I have been posting for a little while but finally decided to post an intro.

I am a native Houstonian and just completed OW on August 1. I am a computer junkie and an avid sci fi/ fantasy reader. Hubby and I tend to get into a wild new hobby almost every year as a means of learning new things and spending time together. A few of them have been, dirt bikes, surf kayaking, archery, pinball repair, piano repair and boating. Sadly he is not able to dive due to ear injuries in Vietnam.

I tend to be pretty reserved when it comes to trying new things by myself, I like to either have someone show me or see them do it first. I enjoy learning and sharing what I have learned.

This board is great! I have learned alot here that I didn't get in OW and am putting those things into practice. I look forward to being around for a long time.

BTW: I have a really bad habit of generating LONG posts! Sorry :11:
Well, better late than never..... Welcome!
Welcome to the board (officially)! Not meaning I'm officially welcoming you, that's Don's job. Meaning now that you've officially introduced yourself, welcome!
Welcome to the board and the sport!

Yes, welcome. Sounds like you have a few hobbies! I stopped at diving, or rather all my hobbies stopped right there.
Welcome to the board. And as said above, better late then never.
Scott Riemer:
Welcome to the board (officially)! Not meaning I'm officially welcoming you, that's Don's job. Meaning now that you've officially introduced yourself, welcome!

Ya' wanta' be official? You might apply to the Orange Team. Not sure what the requirements are yet, though.

Howdy Ma'am!

Welcome to SB!!
:happywave Put us in your computer's favorites and check in often. This is a great place to learn, compare, argue :argue: Look around our various forums - everything from New-To-Scuba to Instructors-Only to Dive Medicine.

I thought maybe you were a neighbor, but then - I didn't know The Great State of Texas had both a Crosby and a Crosbyton, the latter being up here on the Llano Estacado, "The Stockaded Plains," by one translation. Saw that your town is even smaller than Crosbyton, or my hometown of Lockney, but not as remote. :eyebrow:


BTW - Did you set up your Profile? Some ideas for your Profle might be taken from looking at mine. Click on my Username to the upper left, then click on my Profile, and see what I've done. For your's, click the [CP] in the upper left of the screen, then click [Edit Profile]. If you need any help, PM me direct.

Welcome to ScubaBoard!

Glad you finally decided to introduce yourself!

BTW: I have a really bad habit of generating LONG posts! Sorry :11:

Hey, I resemble that remark! But, if I'm not the only one then I won't feel so bad. ;)

Dive safe!

I was surprised when I found Crosbyton. Yep Crosby is what we call a real BoHunk town. Really growing though. It has about 8 gas stations, 3 chicken joints and about to have 3 pharmacys. :11:
Welcome Aboard!!!

It's addictive, but who cares?!?!?

Good friends and good info. What could be better???

P.S. - If you have not already done so, please fill out your profile.

I'm glad to finally came to the real world-----the underwater world!!

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