No health issues at this time and I get an annual physical. But I have noted that I don't recall seeing any of the easy diving recommendations on SB. I realize of course that any actual recommendation would depend on the issues involved and be diver specific. I have noticed that I am a bit more susceptible to sea sickness than I used to be and balance while good is not that of a 20 year old. Probably related. So I am keeping most of my diving 85 ft and above and shorter boat rides (unless I can get to Frying Pan or one of the nearer ledges.) But frying pan is shallow. I also now avoid high effort dives like strong currents, physical effort at depth, etc. Just being conservative.
Steve, everything you're doing sounds reasonable. Some good general recommendations for an older diver: listen to your body, keep yourself in shape, know your limitations and how to compensate for them, get an annual physical with a physician who understands diving, and don't push the envelope with respect to decompression.
Best regards,