Interesting idea for fighting high gas prices

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Computers and communications have had their turns. I think energy and propulsion will be the next major steps. Some baby steps are being done now with hybrids. The 2005 Escape hybrid has some really cool energy reclaimation technology integrated into the vehicle. What will be the next step towards the elimination of the combustion engine?

I hit Fred on this a while back. He got sleepy though, lol. My interest keeps coming back to the Hi-tech mechanical Hammers. The new ones work on a Hydrogen fuel cell. This seems to be BP's new baby as well. Many are hawking privitation. Basically set up your own system that works for you and yours. There are a lot of great ideas out there. I was watching the Science channel one evening and they had this guy that showed how anyone can make batteries out stuff normally thrown out or found in your backyard. Tesla has some great ideas that Oil prevented from coming to mass production.

My $$$ is on the Apex Bi-ped. Its going to be a challenge but we will make it.
And if everyone would just please stop breathing we can get to work on CO2 buildup in the atmosphere. Geez.

Our industry is pretty much petroleum based. Just stopping is not a realistic option because too much is dependent on it. More sensibly, there are many ways we can reduce usage and conserve our resources, while at the same time we can work on development of renewable forms of energy to sustain us in the future.

This of course is just a theory, because in practice I can't see everyone giving up their SUV's, or making any sacrifices to reduce their personal comfort. (Said only slightly tongue-in-cheek.)

Uhhhh, I was being Sarcastic...It's's always higher at the pumps..always will be's the American Way. But consumers are just too dumb to remember it from year to year, like it's something new. And overall nobody really cares..I don't see anyone saying I'm not taking that trip this weekend because gas is so expensive. It doesn't happen.
Uhhhh, I was being Sarcastic...It's's always higher at the pumps..always will be's the American Way. But consumers are just too dumb to remember it from year to year, like it's something new. And overall nobody really cares..I don't see anyone saying I'm not taking that trip this weekend because gas is so expensive. It doesn't happen.

Hard to tell sometimes. Too many people seem to think that 'just stop using it' is a viable solution.

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