I've heard of that but have never seen it, they must think that people that buy Acuras just call tow trucks when they have a flat!
I had the option to get an undersized fake spare or run-flat tires when I ordered a vehicle in 2019. The salesman convinced me to go with the run-flats saying the ride was just as good.
- I now doubt that is true. They run flat because the side walls are super stiff.
- He did not say I would be lucky to get 20K miles/32K kilometers out of them. I get 60-80K miles on my other vehicles.
- Or that are much more expensive to replace.
- And that there are a lot fewer manufacturers to choose from.

On the other hand, there is about a 60 miles of mountain road that we frequently travel to get out of the boonies and a good part has no safe place to pull over or even pass.