inflating a cc-smb

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I am considering using argon in my suit this winter, I pack a cc-smb and currently use the dry suit hose to inflate.
Since the DS hose will now supply argon, what do you use to inflate a cc smb? Argon?
I have considered switching to an open smb but would like your comments prior to making that change.
I am specifically looking for a DIR suggestion.
Or manually inflate with your mouth (if your SMB allows).
Yeah - what dd said.

I don't like orally inflating mine, but that was the method preferred by my Tech1 instructor, so I had to learn it......

It surprised me the first time how difficult it was to exhale into the inflator, but after a couple tries, I could give it ~ 2/3 of a lungfull, which was plenty of inflation by the time it ascended from 70'....
Yeah - what dd said.

I don't like orally inflating mine, but that was the method preferred by my Tech1 instructor, so I had to learn it......

It surprised me the first time how difficult it was to exhale into the inflator, but after a couple tries, I could give it ~ 2/3 of a lungfull, which was plenty of inflation by the time it ascended from 70'....

A nice benefit to the oral inflation method is that your bouyancy stays neutral. The bouyancy from the gas in your lungs is now in the bag (which you are holding). Of course, the next breath you take may make you adjust, but at least the bag at that point is floating up and away from you.

Snowbear-do you have the Halcyon SMB with the thin tube for an inflator? I never thought I'd be able to fill the thing up thru there!
detroit diver:
Snowbear-do you have the Halcyon SMB with the thin tube for an inflator? I never thought I'd be able to fill the thing up thru there!
Yup - that's the one :11:

As for the neutral buoyancy thing - If you let the bag go as you're getting your next breath, it works :wink:
Yup - that's the one :11:

As for the neutral buoyancy thing - If you let the bag go as you're getting your next breath, it works :wink:

Good suggestion, I'll try it!!
I use the Halcyon CC-SMB and have used both my inflator hose and oral inflation (in that order). I now, much prefer the oral inflation method. Much cleaner, faster and is easier to control your buoyancy. I don't find it difficult to fill... was surprised to see that post... but perhaps I'm just full of hot air. :wink:

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