In awe of Fossil Babe and Capt. Jamie

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Reaction score
Land O Lakes, Florida
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Lee and I went diving this weekend in Venice. We had the amazing opportunity to connect with Capt. Jamie and Fossil Babe. What a delight and treat they are. Their love for fossil diving is evident.

If you ever have the chance to connect with either of them, you'll know what I mean.
I went out on the Aristakat today with Capt. Jamie and Shane. Even tho I didn't find any big teeth I still had an awesome time. This is definitely not going to be my only trip on his boat. Although next time I think I'll bring a little less weight with me unless Jamie needs an extra anchor. :D

P.S. Who can tell me Jamie's word of the day?
Nice to meet you'll this weekend, had a great visit with you and Lee. Maybe someday I will make that haul up there to see your cooper river someday.:D

As far as anchor WOW "Holly ----- you have alot of weight" would be my guess of
word of the day. amazing what a bunch of great people you meet!!!!!

good hunting all
Thanks for the review! I'd love to head down there and do some diving. Is the boat freediver friendly?
Joy it was a real pleasure meeting you and Lee both as well. What a great pair you two make. Cant wait until we see each other again. One day will try heading up your way again. Maybe in the winter time. Be safe Sea Ya
OOhhhhhhh so I wasnt the only one to chum up the waters off his wonderful boat?? Now there are others on the "chummer list"? Not just me? lol. U should put that on your waivers Jamie. Must take antichum pills before riding this ride. I have mine all laid out for friday night. Thats how I plan on getting my sleep friday night lol. But I just bought a big bottle of drammies so I must use them.
Nice to meet you'll this weekend, had a great visit with you and Lee. Maybe someday I will make that haul up there to see your cooper river someday.:D

I am available on weekends. Plan on using underwater lights in the Cooper. The more powerful, the better. We had a great time. Thankyou for your friendship and comradery. It was a breath of fresh air.

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