Image issues from RAW to JPG

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Australia - Southern HIghlands NSW
# of dives
2500 - 4999
Whilst working on my images the RAW looks ok but after I do some edits I get a mixture of these results. Do any of you know what causes it?
What software are you using? I see this once in a great while, with a corrupted file
Thanks Bill, I will email it to you. I got about 5 of these after working up from the RAW files. I use irfanview to quickly work on the basics, crop, sharpness, Contrast and Gamma adjustment if needed. I have noticed that one of those files was pretty underexposed which might be an issue.
I can re-work the RAW file and get a different outcome but struggle to understand the result as the image looks ok until I save it.
What is your camera? If it's a newer model your software may not support that file type yet. Be sure to update your software and check if it on the supported list. Notably, some of the new Nikon Z models include a default "High Efficiency" RAW format that some apps could not deal with properly.
I used a Oly EM1 mk2 and I have had this issue with my previous EM5 mk 2. Irfanview is up to date and the Oly is on latest version. Could be Irfanview but it is such a handy piece of software compared to Lightroom and PhotoShop and I have both of those.
email me the raw file ( and I can take a look.
Hi Bill, following your kind offer, I did some work on them and it looks like it is underexposure combined with cropping. I reworked those I wanted to keep and dumped the rest.

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