I'm back from Truk & Bikini

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Scuba Jim

Reaction score
In a field in Kent
Howdee folks...

Back from my 3 week jaunt to Truk Lagoon & Bikini Atoll.

I'll post a full and comprehensive trip report when I have time, probably in the next 2 weeks or so, but in the meantime, here are some pickies to get your juices flowing, as it were.

First, a shot of two of the 4 props on the Nagato, to show my butch and macho side


Then a couple of clownfish & their enema on the Shinkoko Maru in Truk, to show my sensitive side


I am off to Bruges (near Brussels) for the weekend with My Gruppenfuhrer, as it is her 40th birthday on Sunday, so Belgium beerguts and brussel spruots all round.


Personaly I think the Nagato just screams b/w considering it's location. As for the last image I think I would have cleaned up some of the back scatter and do the doge/burn thing on the 2 fish, they are abit burned out. Also what film did you use on the Nagato?

I can't see any backscatter on the second image. It's just a low res scan done on the quick. The slide is fine.

Both shots were done with Velvia.

I took some 3200ASA b&w print film to Bikini and hit off one roll on the Apogon. I am waiting for the lab to finish processing it.
You ARE a well rounded guy...sensitive and macho all rolled into one! :D :D :D

I like them both but am leaning towards the first one....I just love wrecks!
Macho & sensitive!

And enough of the well-rounded, thanks. My paunch has grown considerably since I have been away.

I have started the report, but will post the first bit next week. Any preferences to which section to shove it in?

Pssssst, Dee - can you see any backscatter in the clownfish shot?!!!!

I'm looking forward to your trip report!!

I hope to dive Bikini before my 50th birthday

I hear some of the wrecks are starting to break up. What did you think?
Can't wait for the report! Although if it takes as long as the FP one did, I may be to old to see the screen :wacko:
You can fool some people, but ....a sensitive side :D :D :D (backscatter?)

Give me a call when possible. We need to discuss the Nov. trip to Galapagos.

Scuba Jim once bubbled...
Macho & sensitive!

And enough of the well-rounded, thanks. My paunch has grown considerably since I have been away.

I have started the report, but will post the first bit next week. Any preferences to which section to shove it in?

Pssssst, Dee - can you see any backscatter in the clownfish shot?!!!!


Should we hold our breath for this report? :eek:ut: :rolleyes:

The best place for it is in the Australia and Pacific area in the Travel section.

Psssstt....I don't see no steenkin backscatter!
nearly finished the first bit of the report, but I need to scan some pictures before I post the next bit. I will try and post the first bit in the Oz & S Pacific Section tomorrow (Tuesday) and scan some pickies over the coming few days.

Steve - will call you later today!

BTW, I have decided to rename myself Backscatter Jim, as this is apparently a far more appropriate name for me!

Tavi - yes, some of thw recks are starting to break up - after all they're 50 years old and have had 2 nulcear bombs dropped on them!!! However, as things fall to peices, new stuff appear. Since I was last there a bulkhead near the aft elevator of the Saratoga has collapsed, and it has exposed a room full of torpedos and bombs! Yummy!

Backscatter Jim

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