2 more dives today in Taveuni with the SP350, ikelite housing and DS-125.
I had the camera in auto mode yesterday, hence the pre-flash then main flash off the DS-125.
Today, forced the manual flash, and the DS-125 would only fire once when you program the SP-350 to external flash only.
I average 100-125 photos per dive, in SHQ high quality, that's 450-500 meg per dive, and I swap out the batteries and memory chip between dives.
Played more with the DS-125 between TTL, full power, and 1/8th-1/4-1/2 power modes.
Depends on super macro or range to your target. For full control, only shoot in manual, as I switch between normal, macro, and super macro. When up close to a coral, I push the shutter speed up to 1/1000th - 2000th second, which also gives you a black background as you don't capture the warm blue background water, 1/60th-1/125th is the slowest I shoot and that gives the blue background.
I'll shrink down some photos to the 100K limit (I think) that scuba board allows. Not used to posting photos attached, but if you PM me an email I'll send some ~400K sized files.
You really have to dive this camera rig, and play with all the settings to get things right, every Dive I get better, but only have 8 dives on the big rig. Off to Beqa Lagoon and Kulu Bay resort on Christmas Morning (nice nice present to open on christmas day!!!!!) So more killer coral shots to come..........can't wait for the 12-14 foot bull sharks on the shark dive too.......oh the pain and boredom, Waitress, another Fiji Bitter please.........