Ikelite Auto35 vs. S&S MX-10

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Scuba Instructor
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Laie, HI
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500 - 999
I'm going back and forth on these two. I've read everything the search on these boards yeilds on both and I'm still going back and forth.

Anybody feel strongly enough about one or the other to try to convince me one way or the other?
I've never used one of the Auto 35's but have dived with friends who had them. But I have owned and used aan MX-10 for several years. I wish there was a way to combine them. I like the MX-10 camera better but the strobe is in a fixed position, causing some backscatter. Whereas the Auto 35 has an inferior camera but the strobe can be moved and positioned at an angle to prevent backscatter.

Taking it all into consideration, I'd spend my money on the better camera MX-10 and learn to minimize the backscatter in other ways.
I was comparing the two cameras but forgot about the accessories!

There's a better made extension from the inventor at gbundersea. It called the MX-Tender If you ever saw the two side by side you'd really see the quality difference.
The strobe is the big weakness of the MX-10 system and unfortunately the strobe is one of the most important features of an UW camera. Another advantage of the MX-10 is that you can add a wide angle lens.

Theoretically the MXTender will resolve the strobe issue, but it would seem to me that it is hard to use. You will need both hands to operate camera and strobe and correctly angling the strobe might be a real challenge.

Because of the strobe I would personally lean towards the Ikelite. Or, is you want fabulous pictures, spend some more and go for the MotorMarine II.
Right here in our very own Aquatrader...


This MMII is a far superior camera than either the MX-10 and Auto 35. Assuming all is in good condition, all you'll have to add is a strobe to the extra lenses, viewfinder, etc. to have a complete set-up.
I think the MX-10 is a great system in its price range, and with its variable aperture and multiple available lenses, is a big step up from all of the fixed-lens, fixed-aperture point-and-shoots, including the Auto 35. However, its one drawback, which is major, is that the "external" strobe (YS-40) is too close to the lens, creating backscatter. While we do produce the MXTENDER, which solves the MX-10 problem, I DO NOT recommend that option for you. Our device is for the veteran MX-10 photographer who has a lot already invested in their system. Since you don't yet own an MX-10, you could apply the cost of the MXTENDER, plus that of the camera itself, toward a better system. There are many choices available, including digital systems.

In my opinion, the mere fact that the Auto 35 has a nice strobe/arm setup does not make up for the weakness of the camera. The system with strobe is very inexpensive though, about $90.00 less than an MX-10/YS-40 system. If all one wanted was snapshots, and didn't care about additional lenses, the Auto 35 might be a good option, but I find it too limiting.

I agree with Dee that a Motormarine II-EX with YS-60, or even a MM-II/YS-50, is a far better choice than either the MX-10 or Auto 35. With the MM-II, you get a more powerful strobe with TTL metering, and a camera with a wider lens selection. These systems can often be found on the used market at bargain prices.

Others on the board can give you info about the comparably-priced digital setups, I'm sure.

BTW, all but one of the photographs on my website (http://www.gbundersea.com/photo.htm) were taken using a Motormarine II with single YS-50 strobe. For the other, I used an MX-10 equipped with an MXTENDER.

Good luck!

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