IFO Sighting at Twin Lakes

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Houston, TX
Hey Southern Swampers...

Not only can you see sleeping fish and the occasional elusive :turtle: while night diving at Twin Lakes, you may also have the rare opportunity to see a IFO (identified flying object) as 4 of us (Dee, T.P.H., ChrisPete, and I) saw on Aug. 17th evening.

On that evening, as we were surface swimming back to the dock and being eaten alive by mosquitoes :zapper:, we noticed a bright constant light in the sky moving steadily from west to east. We knew this could not be an airplane, but perhaps this was an asteroid?

But after viewing the passing of the space shuttle (STS-112) and space station (ISS) across the sky last night, I am sure our sighting on Aug. 17th was the ISS!

Here is a cool web page for determining when the passing of the ISS or other satellites took place or will occur: http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/sightings/

You can search for sightings by city or use the JAVA applet to get more details on past and future sightings.

Unforutnately, the ISS will not be visible over Austin when the TSDT gathering is taking place this coming weekend.

Happy IFO viewing! :)
One of the neatest things that I've ever seen was a bright bluish streak across the sky one night @ about 3 am. The next day the local news said that it was the shuttle re-entering the atmosphere.

I remember that night, maybe we should see if we can start a new specialty course, "Marine Astronomer." :wink:

To any agencies out there, it was my idea first, I want a cut of the action - a couple of $ per spec card issued would be fine, contact my attorney for a non-disclosure agmt and letter of intent. :jester:
The mosquitos weren't impressed!
They were too busy having dinner.
chrispete once bubbled...
... maybe we should see if we can start a new specialty course, "Marine Astronomer." :wink:

Nice idea...this could be a specialty that one can only attain at Twin Lakes :wink:
Maybe we should ask Mike for a telescope at TL... :alien:
Marine Astronomer can't be any worse than Tina's Marine Gourmet!

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