It can take tact on the pro's part to disallow a diver who is keen and shows up based on the house rules, but it is pretty simple I think to say "my boss/shop/liability insurance won't allow it; besides I believe it to be unsafe for the following reasons..." You don't have to look 100% like the bad guy AND you can impart some knowledge.
Communication is all about language choice. IMO using a word like believe invites an argument (see what I mean). If you are fully convicted in your opinion, just state it that way with all the evidence you have. If you just have a bad feeling, blame the insurance, say it is in violation because "they think"{insert your own opinions here]. Hey, this is supposed to be a fun event, why invite a potential argument?
There are a couple state park facilities that disallow any solo diving. I respect that prohibition. Local public lakes have no such prohibition so I do as I please. One local shop tried to tell be I could not dive the lake solo. You just have to know the hand signal for "sure I can, watch me".:mooner:
This begs the question...if they are watching, are you still solo?:kiss2: