Self Reliant Diver--On All Dives.
Here's a little hypothetical food for thought; if mainstream scuba instruction was based on solo diving from the start, and buddy diving was considered a more advanced specialty (e.g.: required AOW and minimum 25 logged dives before you could take it), I wonder what % of the diving public (who already have AOW, in order to prevent skewing the stat.s) would take the buddy diving course?
My point is, if people weren't indoctrinated with the buddy diving mindset from the start, how would they react to it if presented more objectively later?
Hi Rich,
Hmm...I think buddy diving is important. I believe buddy diving should be taught from the start and taught better than it is. However, buddy diving is not the end-all and be-all. Am I understanding your post?
I don't know how people would react to it if introduced later. I think a person who is committed to Tech diving would grasp it well.
Thanks for the thought-food,
Caveat Emptor: The opinions of this diver are his and his alone based on his subjective view of diving. I dive for me. I don't dive for PADI, SDI, SSI or any other agency. I don't dive to fulfill the requirements of the greater good; therefore, I do not dive for the collective. It is OK if you don't like my opinions.