If I should die while diving (DiverBuoy Modified).
... post pictures, video, interviews, autopsy report, documenation, dive logs ON the Internet. The more information you can provide the more lively the discussion and if it saves a life that would rock too.
... no question it was MY fault NOT my buddies, the divemaster, the boat, the manufacturer, the resort, the LDS, my many instructors and mentors, genetics, my childhood or genology, race, creed, or religion and certainly had nothing to do with my family or God. The actual cause of my death was my choice DIVING and besides most of these folks will feel badly enough without your help, please honor my last wish and leave them out of it.
... though I know you can't leave my body where you found it, please return as quickly as possible with my ashes, do not sprinkle them ceremoniously in the wind while boating over the dive site. Just DUMP the contents over the stern and motor away as fast as possible, please be cautious and protect your eyes, nose and mouth.
... do NOT erect any plaques, statues, memorials or start any dedications or funds, do rinse out the urn with mild soap and water and find another use for it.
... NO ... YOU can't have it, my gear goes to my buddy as compensation for what he had put up with and also as an incentive to get back in the water. Private message to my buddy: throw away anything even remotely suspected of contributing to my death. Also if the thought of using my gear gives you the heebies, just sell it, and do my widow and orphans some honor.
... quickly get over any phases of grief, like denial, sadness, anger, depression, or for that matter any recollections of joy or reminiscing ... both will tie you down unnecessarily to my memory, get over it, move on.
... KEEP DIVING, treat anything you heard or read as insignificantly as a single bubble expelled from your exhaust tee on it's way to the surface.
(FINE PRINT: This represents my official position on this matter and must be considered binding and legal. My personal position is this should override the opinions and wishes of any authority personal or public, even if they claim to "know" me, or that "he wouldn't want it that way".)