IE question

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Reaction score
nor cal, Vacaville
# of dives
200 - 499
Does anyone know how to turn on the pop up menu, when I click on a persons name? It works while I am at work, but will not work at home using IE5.1. I am also using a kensington track ball, Could it be controlled through that Program? I gave up on attempting to log in with AOL, never did work after the switch.
Do you have ********** turned on? does the Quick Links pop-up work or do none of them work?

You don't have a pop-up blocker running, do you?

If none of that applies I recommend upgrading your browser to version 6.

Whoa! You have the name of a coding language in your bad word list???
Wow, is it ********** or ActiveX? I guess it depends if you like Sun or Microsoft!
I see, its Java$cript...I wonder what word it THINKS it is...must be a MS feature!
I checked and I have both JS and Activex running and enabled. Is there a key stroke for that action? I am thinking that there must be a keystroke, and I need to assign it to a mouse button. Or maybe not, as I am a moron when it comes to this sxxx! And to top it all off, It is a MAC I am running, (Wife Requires it for her work) I can't wait to get a real PC that work like everyone elses.
If its a MAC I can't help you. Chances are it just doesn't work there.
I forgot to mention, Quick links DO work by simply putting the curser over it.
I also can view the message text if I put my curser over the meassge title with out opening it. Seems like the name thing is the only thing not working.
This sounds funny, but some web components simply do not work in certain version of some browsers. This is a problem I ran into quite frequently when writing the websites for one of the local broadcasting companies. I would suggest an upgrade to a newer version of IE (with the patches installed) unless doing so would not be compatible with a proprietary software that your using on your home PC.

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