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Going back to your first picture - which I lightened up a bit - Look at the area I circled. Those are the eyes of the fish
After enhancing the image and seeing its coloring, my guess is Trumpet fish. Its lateral lines are consistent with a Trumpet as are it black spots and striped tail as seen in the 2nd photo.
just found one in my pictures that has 2 dots (like eyes) on its tail...looks simular to yours
Ok guy's Trumpet fish it is! (and I'm leaning towards the bluegill variety) Thank you everybody for your help!
Hey what program could I use to edit my photo's? I used adobe photo deluxe business edition 1.1 because it came with my computer. I just used intelifix because I have no idea what I am doing. Is there something equally easy and not too costly out there that might be better?
Thanks again,Ed
I use photoshop elements 3 (4 is now available) and I got it thru amazon for $50. I find it easy to use, and find something new almost everytime I use
Just so there is no confusion, there is absolutely no doubt that that is a trumpet fish, with those marknings and bodyshape.

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