ICON HD upgrade to use transmitter

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Dear Mares customer service,

I cannot find any contact info of Mares in your website, and the local dealer and distributor could not help me, I am desparately need some assistance

I purchased the ICON HD when it was just launched (maybe almost 2 years already), and it said in the ICON HD box that it is UPGRADEABLE to have transmitter (I believe it was promoted in the website previously as well), however I waited for 2 yea...rs and finally it comes with transmitter. Recently I went to the dive shop and asked for upgrade and they called the distributor immediately (good service), BUT the Hong Kong distributor said no more upgrade because the promotion ended already!!!??? I do not understand why there is a "promotion" with end period... I felt like I am being tricked or something... I was waiting waiting and waiting in last 2 years (I think many people who bought ICON HD have that feeling), and when I recently found that there is transmitter, the "promotion" ended!! And the distributor said... "if you want the transmitter, you need to buy the whole set"... I truely believe Mares doesn't operate business this way

Would you please help me? I am not asking for free stuff here, all I want is to upgrade my ICON HD with transmitter and continue using Mares products

If you have any feedbacks or anything, please kindly contact me via email, mister.law@gmail.com

Many thanks!!!


All of our contact is on the Mares website under the "sales network" tab. At anyrate, I'm in the U.S. and do not have any information re: Singapore. I can tell you we ran the upgrade program here for approximately 1 year and technically it has expired. I would assume they offered the upgrade for a similar time frame in your local market. I inquired with my international colleagues for some feedback regarding your situation and will respond to your email address as soon as I have more information.


Zak, thank you for your response. The local (Hong Kong) distributor said they ran a 6-month upgrade program and it was expired... My question are... how would I know there was a "upgrade program"... To be honest, I kept checking Mares website, FB, this forum (I did left message) after I just bought the ICON HD.... After 1+ year doing that, nothing had happened so no point keep tracking..... Resently I saw it in the dive shop and ask for upgrade.... then the result is "the program is expired"!!!

To be honest, I really felt disappointed because I bought the ICON HD so early is because it can be upgraded with transmitter

Can you please help me here

Thank you!!


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