IANTD and handicapped divers

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Dmitry Knyazev

Reaction score
# of dives
500 - 999
Dear Sirs.
I am a diving instructor for divers with disabilities. I train divers with disabilities and organize diving tours for them. In addition, I make great efforts to promote diving accessibility for people with disabilities among instructors.
I am well aware of the PADI, CMAS, NAUI, NDL, RAID standards regarding divers with disabilities. I need to host a webinar for IANTD instructors. I would appreciate of IANTD's policy regarding divers with disabilities. I tried to find it myself on IANTD's site, but couldn’t find it.
I hope very much for your help.

I submitted a request to the IANTD website and asked them on Facebook, but did not receive any response.

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