I need the truth about Roatan & Omoa Bay

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Got a real problem. My inlaws have rented a big house in Omoa Bay in Houndras (north west corner). I am under EXTREME pressure to spend 7 days at Christmas with them (12 altogether) in the house.
I don't want to go.
As a comprimise I have suggested to my wife that we spend 4 days on Roatan (just the two of us) and then we fly to San Pedro and motor up to Masca at Omoa Bay for a few days with the family. THen it's back to the snow and ice.
1. I just found out about Roatan when I was looking for Omoa info on the net and I am getting some VERY mixed signals about it.
2. We are not divers (I accidently found this site and was amazed by the knowledge here.) We would probably snorkel some for fun.
How is Roatan for two middle aged tourists looking for some sun and decent resturant food?
Bugs and rain in December??? SAfety? Ease of getting from one town to the next? Shopping for Carribean crafts?
Wednesday to Wednesday trip so no direct flights I don't have unlimited funds.
ANY advice you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
Anthony's Key Resort has some packages for non-divers. I met a family in the airport on my return trip that did nothing but work with the dolphins, snorkel, and do eco-type things the entire week.
As a comprimise I have suggested to my wife that we spend 4 days on Roatan (just the two of us) and then we fly to San Pedro and motor up to Masca at Omoa Bay for a few days with the family. THen it's back to the snow and ice.
1. I just found out about Roatan when I was looking for Omoa info on the net and I am getting some VERY mixed signals about it.
2. We are not divers (I accidently found this site and was amazed by the knowledge here.) We would probably snorkel some for fun.
How is Roatan for two middle aged tourists looking for some sun and decent resturant food?
Bugs and rain in December??? SAfety? Ease of getting from one town to the next? Shopping for Carribean crafts?
Wednesday to Wednesday trip so no direct flights I don't have unlimited funds.QUOTE]

Mixed signals? I'm not sure why that would be.

Roatan is: for divers, not so great for snorkelers; Excellent for middle aged and all ages (not infants); plenty of Sun.

Decent restaurant food? Three good to excellent local places (two on the West end) and two North American style in French Harbour plus the F.H.Yacht Club.

Bugs and Rain in December? Yes.

Safe as any other Caribbean island, more so than most.

Caribbean Crafts? No, this is Central American. You'll be lucky to find anything other than Guatemalan imports. If you look hard in the main town of Coxen Hole, you will find nice Honduran wooden crafts.

Ease of getting from one town to the next? Essentialy there are two populated zones that have seen tourists. They are the West End area and the main town of Coxen Hole. You can cab between the two. There is the town of French Harbour, but what to do there besides eat ... is little. You can hire a driver (much safer than driving yourself) to get about and do the scenic thing- motor taxi thru the mangroves, take pictures... all that down home tribal stuff.

If you have a sense of humor and want a quiet getaway, this could be great. (NOT Cozumel or Cayman)

Check out the West End guest houses.

Christmas time gets expensive and booked- plan early.

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