I lost my job...

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Chicago suburbs
I knew it was coming for a few months. But found out late on Monday Dec. 22 that I didn't need to come in on the 23rd. I'd aready packed up my desk on Friday...so I was just waiting to hear if the business had been sold or if the deal had fallen through. I'd been working there for over a year & I was really burned out, but the money had been great & it was my primary source of income. I'm lucky that I have my job at the airport to fall back on. I'd only kept that job for the travel benefits, as the pay is not much to speak of. It is our busy season now, so I will be able to work as much as I'd like, until June. Then I'll need to panic, as my hours get cut to the bare bones.
So sorry to hear this.
When one door closes, another better one, usually opens.
I'll add you to my prayers tonight.
I haven't posted too much here, in the past few months. But do poke my head in from time to time, to see what's new.
I have mixed feelings about losing my job. I will miss alot of the people I worked with, we promised to stay in touch. But you know that doesn't always happen. I will have alot more free time now, which will be nice.

Will keep my eyes open for any interesting doors to come along. I'm always game for a new adventure.
Kat - sorry to hear the news.. I am in the position now where my job may or not be there every day, so I can understand what you were going through. Just keep lookin ahead kiddo.. every experience is a learning experience. Like you mentioned, at least you have your airport job to fall back on, some folk dont even have a safety net. Good luck in your search for a new job.... or maybe creating one of your own :wink:
I lost my last job 3 1/2 years ago due to insisting on certain legal issues being followed. I left with no golden parachute but my integrity intact. It has led me into an exciting new lifestyle of diving as often as I want, traveling to remote locations (and getting paid to dive and film there), having time to actually talk to people (instead of "how are you... bye"), etc. I wasn't sure how I'd survive without the job. Now I'm sure how I survived with it!

Hope you find that new door opening that will lead to something fantastic!

Dr. Bill
dang bill...make me feel bad...

Been there, Done that , Next.

Bad Timing Huh. Maybe, Maybe not..... Now you can look for a job you can and will enjoy.
Just keep a positive attitude.

I'm in kind of the opposite boat. I lost my job just before Halloween (with a weeks' notice), and have been out of work since. On the 23rd I was offered a job, and then another on the 24th. It was getting tight (especially since I'm a single father of 4), but things worked out in the end. I'm sure they will for you too.
I do consider myself lucky, since I still have the 2nd job. Things are not too bad. I have been in the position of having no job for several months. I can juggle those bills like nobodys business. I know exactly how long I can go before lights get turned off.

The good news is I did get temp work for New Years Eve.

And I'll have all this free time now, so I can visit Scubaboard more now. hee hee - see, there's always a silver lining
Sorry for your job Kat, but every cloud has a silver lining. You do have to look for it, but it's there. I quit my last job over four years ago and according to the wife, I'm unemployed. I love being able to dive in the middle of the week!

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