While the Dallas-Ft. Worth area had no direct hurricane/flood impacts, the metroplex has already run out of gas! I first noticed it late Wed night when I had to stop at 3 different gas stations to buy gas, had to wait in line at the 3rd station to finally get gas, and that was at Midnight on a workday! I gassed up all 3 vehicles, plus about 10 gallons gas in mower gas cans. That was the last chance to gas up, today (Thursday) everyone is empty as far as I can tell, gas stations are dark/closed down, the few still open have lines stretching for blocks, blocking city streets/intersections as drivers pile up in the middle of the road! My employer plans to rent a fuel truck and bring in outside gas for the employees on Tuesday, so I guess we'll gas up in the employee parking lot! We are also excused from coming in to work if our vehicles don't have enough gas to make the drive in, we were allowed to leave work early today, if we wanted, to go after the last remaining gas if we felt it necessary.