I gave my daughter the "Cozumel Addiction"

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Outstanding! (learned that expression in the military, better than "excellent"). I just love your family story. And yes, it's true, there is just something so special about family members all being together in the underwater environment. And all the communication is non-verbal. It's the closest we will ever come to experiencing what it must be like to be tethered to a space shuttle and just floating. We were once diving along the edge of the channel and just kinda moved over the edge to where it felt like there was no bottom (so deep you can't see the bottom). That...really felt like being in outer space. Thanks again for sharing your family diving story. It's good food for the soul. Not that anyone would care, but...if you go to Youtube and enter "pilot whales in cozumel" you will see my little diving family. It's the first video clip (taken by a reporter we met on our dive boat).

Aww Wayne knowing the back story this was so touching! Lisa will be here with you and Jessica next month!!! I feel it in my heart!
Just beautiful! Scuba diving is really the only sport I can think of where every member of the family can do it together because the requirements are not overly strenuous and are the same regardless of age or gender. Man, I can relate to how you feel, and again, why I started this thread. We get on the board and talk about our dives, where we ate, etc. All the standard things. I was really trying to get you, my scuba friends, to share what this sport has done "emotionally" for us. How it may have enriched our lives and families. You are so right. Sharing this with our children is just so remarkable!
my father is the reason I got into Scuba but I won't ever be able to dive again with him - another story I'll share with you when we have our coffee together next month - and yes, God will be our special guest too - will reply to your email tomorrow :)
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Have any of you done this? Several years ago my wife and I gave my daughter scuba lessons and open water cert dives in Key Largo for her birthday. .

I"m still waiting for it to happen for me. Both of my daughters are very aquatic and I've been snorkeling with them but they seem to be pregnant all the time (already working on getting the grandkids interested) but I think I probably won't have to wait too much longer. I already have tanks, regulators, BCs, weight belts, wet suits, masks, fins, snorkels, etc ready to go.

Besides Cozumel I also want to do the Manta Ray Night Dive at Kona with them.
3 of us, all moms, were on a dive boat a few years ago, and were joined on the boat by a man bringing his young son on the son's first dive. The son was having a tween moody day and had decided he didn't want to dive. We told him how much fun he would have, etc. After his first dive, he couldn't wait to tell us what he had seen! We had fun snorkeling with him at the SI, and listened to his stories after the second dive. He left the boat asking if they could dive tomorrow and would Mom come. As they left the caleta, he was leaning out the window waving at us! It was so much fun to be part of that Dad and son's special day! It is one of my favorite diving memories.

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