I found this to be funny!

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MissAmberDiva once bubbled...
I have tried to use cotton balls, gum wrappers (the chiclet wrapper cracked me up), the cardboard roll itself. Drip drying is the absolute worst though! You think you're dry, but you're not....
Okay, enough of my toilet humor:out:

HAHA!! :lol:

Why not just use the toilet seat cover in the meantime, then rush over to another stall?
Scuba Bee once bubbled...

HAHA!! :lol:

Why not just use the toilet seat cover in the meantime, then rush over to another stall?

HA! Ya know I have switched stalls with my pants half way pulled up.....Not a good idea!:potty:
(and an interesting idea...)

i forwarded this to every woman i could. and received some very different responses!

ScubaBee and other women:

I am not sure why it is percieved that us guys don't care about toilet seat, but your mother's ritual has de rigeur for me since I can remember.

No toilet seat that isn't my home seat gets to kiss my bare buns...the thought of it touching a public toilet seat really grosses me out. Do you women think us guys don't similarly care? Are there guys out there who don't, or would they never admit to such?! lol

Yuck is all I have to say.....
For the ability to point and shoot.
I always wonder what in the heck my wife does for the hours she and any femle friends spend in the bathroom at the end of every movie, sporting event, ect,.
stand in line...
find out your stall is backed up, get in another line...
ask neighbor to pass toilet tissue
try to flush without touching handle
try to get out of stall without touching door
try to wash hands without touching faucets
look in purse
play with makeup
try to exit bathroom without touching door
DrySuitDave on this.

Only my own and the ones at my relatives (well most of them) get to touch these luscious cheeks!
Please help keep our bathroom clean!

Gentlemen: It's shorter than you think, so please stand closer!

Ladies: Please remain seated for the entire performance!
Coming from a man that not only puts the seat down, but closes the lid too... If ladies would sit on the seat and not squat over it.....would it not remain clean and dry? If you ever have the chance to compare the looks of the mens' room verus the Ladies' room.....Men's public rest rooms are always cleaner.:peek:

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