I built a web app to help plan deco dives

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TLDR: I made a web app to help plan complex deco dives. Check it out and I would love any feedback: DiveIntelligence (DOES NOT WORK ON MOBILE)

I'm currently doing my eLearning in advance of my adv. nitrox + deco procedures course next month (so I have no deco experience yet - keep that in mind). And I'm a computer geek, so of course I wanted to jump into code and whip up an app to do all the calculations I was learning about. It was fun (in a very geeky definition of fun), and it helped me learn, so it's a win for me regardless of whether it's useful to others.

Some caveats if you're gonna try it out (I plan to improve all of these):
- it won't render properly on mobile or small screen resolutions [yet!] (need at least 1200xsomething resolution)
- it doesn't have gradient factors yet. effectively it is a gradient factor of 100/100
- if you refresh the browser all data will be lost and you have to go back to the main url and start over
- there is no ability yet to edit the dive plan once input, so if you want to change something you have to start over
- Equiv Narcotic Depth is based on Nitrogen only (doesn't consider oxygen toxic)
- no support for multiple repetitive dives


Not a technical diver, but these initiates I can only encourage.
This will definitely solidify your understanding. Looks very good so far!

One observation: you've chosen to focus on the transitions with starting times. In contrast, most other planners (all that I've seen, at least) focus on levels and ending times. I.e., your example plan would be:
  1. Descend to 40 m, Air (2:00)
  2. Level 40 m, gas switch 12/53 (3:00)
  3. Descend to 100 m (6:00)
  4. Level 100 m (1:06:00)
  5. ...
When looking at a given depth row, that *same row* tells you when you need to leave. Similar with gas usage (which you will need to do for your upcoming class), PO2, END, etc. all on the same row.
Sounds cool, do you plan on refining it to be more robust and adding in mobile options?
Sounds cool, do you plan on refining it to be more robust and adding in mobile options?
Yup I've got a long list of improvements I want to make. Making it a "responsive design" web app is on my list (aka mobile-friendly), but that's a significant amount of work and not something I have a ton of experience with, but I know I definitely need to do that. Some of the things at the top of my list right now are (not necessarily in this order):

- Gradient Factors
- Edit-able dive plans (right now if you want to change something you have to start over)
- Gas usage tracking (i.e. show how much of each gas you will use on the dive plan)
- CNS + OTU calculations
- Mobile-friendly
- Auto generate deco plan
- Do a bunch of testing to compare my maths with other programs to validate the accuracy (e.g. I know I'm not taking into account the water vapor pressure in the lungs right now)

And a million other small tweaks I've been working on.

My to-do list is public here: Issues · dylan-smith/DiveIntelligence
Not a lawyer, but...
Do you have liability insurance?

Just kidding, not kidding. Some dope out there will screw this up and bend himself righteously and come after you.

Aside from that 👍
Why bother. There are already fantastic resources for this.

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