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Grand Prairie, Texas
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I just don't log dives
Thanks Scuba Texan for nominating my husband and I for the Texas Swamp Diving Team! Thanks to everyone else for accepting us! I love reading scubaboard and I always keep up with the swampers. Ken and I dove together a couple of months ago out at CSSP when we had a class going on. As I recall Ken and I were gearing up to get in the water ( a cool 60 degrees? , anyway it was cold) and I was in a borrowed dry suit. This was my first time in a drysuit out at the lake ( had it on in the pool once). Ken was kind enough to help me zip it up in the back but what neither of us knew was there are 2 zippers!!!! Hey Ken 2 zippers!!! As I eased back in the water I felt like my back was melting into the frigid water. My dry suit was not so dry. Since that episode I have since purchased a Custom Bare Neoprene dry suit. Slightly more comfortable and a lot dryer, well now that I know how to maneuver in it.
Well, I am looking forward to a lot more dives and a lot more fun. See you "in the swamp" !

Debra Welch <------ New TSDT
Last dive December 21, 2003 in CSSP
Next Dive - February 7, 2004 in Cozumel
I think that drysuit had more zippers than a motorcycle jacket....LOL
Great that you and hubby could join us.

Welcome to the Swamp!
Welcome to the Swamp, Deb! Wish I'd been there to see that!

Oh yea....Since everyone knows us as the Swamp Divers, we've dropped the 'Team' part of the old name. We're now just the Texas Swamp Divers.

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