Some excellent information here, and I'm going to come from a slightly different angle because I experienced a panic attack once before.
One of my most favorite things to do (besides diving) is to read books... Always have loved to read.
I was sitting in a book store here in Nashville one day, browsing thru some books, when all of a sudden I became downright scared... I lost my orientation, I felt like I couldn't breath, and felt like I was all alone. My wife came by about that time, and she said that my face was ashen, and my eyes were very wide open.
Needless to say, we left, and came home.... It took me about 4 hours to calm down and get back to a normal state.
I went to my Doctor on Monday (This happened on a Sunday), and he ran a complete blood analysis on me looking specifically for the thyroid level... Guess what, it was low... He prescribed me a thyroid medication...
I have now been on Thyroid medication for 3 years now, and to date have never had another episode.... I do continue to dive, especially in wrecks, and have never felt a panic attack come on me again....
I would suggest that you get with your Doctor and havethem look at your thyroid levels.
Best Wishes,
Randy Cain
One of my most favorite things to do (besides diving) is to read books... Always have loved to read.
I was sitting in a book store here in Nashville one day, browsing thru some books, when all of a sudden I became downright scared... I lost my orientation, I felt like I couldn't breath, and felt like I was all alone. My wife came by about that time, and she said that my face was ashen, and my eyes were very wide open.
Needless to say, we left, and came home.... It took me about 4 hours to calm down and get back to a normal state.
I went to my Doctor on Monday (This happened on a Sunday), and he ran a complete blood analysis on me looking specifically for the thyroid level... Guess what, it was low... He prescribed me a thyroid medication...
I have now been on Thyroid medication for 3 years now, and to date have never had another episode.... I do continue to dive, especially in wrecks, and have never felt a panic attack come on me again....
I would suggest that you get with your Doctor and havethem look at your thyroid levels.
Best Wishes,
Randy Cain