We meet again! There is a new medical device that was just recently approved by the FDA. It is called a NTI-tss device. It is worn on just the front teeth. Reports are that is rather effective in reducing the frequency of migraine headaches. Please notice I did not say cure!
It is a dental bite guard which fits over just the upper front teeth and makes contact with only the two lower front teeth. It works by deprogramming the muscles that create spasms which operate the temperomadibular joint.
Many headaches, both tension and migraine can be initiated by clenching ones teeth. You have two neural reflexes associated with which teeth touch first.
If molars and bicuspids touch first, there is a neural reflex which, in essence, tells the jaws to squeeze harder so you clench your teeth, applying pressure on the joints and possibly the tissues directly behind the joint which are highly innervated and vascular. This can cause intense pain.
If the front teeth are touching, the temporalis muscles in the forehead and the internal pterygoid muscles within the throat near the tonsils stop contracting. Essentially, 2/3 of the muscles of mastication are in effect, shut off.
You can easily do a quick experiment. Bite together on your molars while feeling the sides of you head over the forehead. You will feel the temporalis muscle tense. Now, touch your front teeth together and squeeze as hard as you want. Feel the temporalis muscles again and you will find that they do not tense.
It is not the position of the jaw that causes this phenomenon. Rather, it is the teeth that are touching. Front tooth contact shuts off all but two muscles of mastication, leaving the masseter muscles in your cheeks able to tense.
Please remember that NO DENTIST CAN PROMISE A CURE FOR HEADACHES OR MIGRAINES. However the FDA approval was because this device has been found effective.
I have NOT tried the device yet on my patients but I have two that I will ask their permission to try. If you want more information on this device try There are other web sites and some appear to be quackery.
Also remember that headaches can be the signs of problems other than stress or migraine so they must be evaluated by your physician and possibly your dentist.
The vasoconstrictor medications used can have side effects and with this device, you use no medication.
I also experience migraine and am interested myself in this device. If you do decide to use it, let me know how it worked.
Good luck,
Laurence Stein DDS