HydroOptix Ultra-Wide View Scuba Mask

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I bought and returned it.

I bought it based on the information form this forus (search for "hydrooptix") and claims from the HydroOptix web site.

Despite being able to use the mask without contact lenses (my eyes are -3.5) I returned it a week later.

The problem for me was that when I compared it to the Tusa Platina (which is a pretty average mask that I bought couple years ago) the field of view only increased by about 15 degrees in horizontal plane (each side) and was actuallty smaller in the vertical plane.

To put it simply, I can see my stomach with the Tusa Platina, but not with the Hydrooptix. Bad bad bad.

In addition:
- This mask is definetely not a low profile mask
- The purge valves are almost useless as some water will be left in the nose pocket and has to be purged via "normal" method
- I personally dislike neoprene straps (too little friction is good in a pool, but not good on a back roll)
- The plastic box it comes with is about half the size of a medum carry-on bag. (Actually it is a bit smaller :wink: , but comparing to regular mask containers it is about 6X as big).

The only upside to the mask I found is that it actually provides an image with no visible distortions. The lines on the bottom of the pool are actually straight!

However, for me the primary reason for getting this mask was the increased field of view and that turned out to be not true (and this is comparing to a quite average mask).
My wife is near sighted and hates contact lenses. Her vision is such that she could use the hydroOptix without contacts in order to correct her vision. It was also a cheaper option than a prescription mask. She loves her HydroOptix, and has praised how clear and crisp everything is underwater. She loves the field of vision they give. So, if you eyesight is such that it falls within the suggested nearsightedness needed for this mask, I would recommend them over getting a prescription mask. Just my 2 cents
A major advantage of this mask is for use in u/w hunting (spearfishig) since there is no parallax error so you can aim derectly at the fish. Makes hunting like shooting dead fish in a barell without water
Do these masks have "perscriptions" or as long as you are near sighted they will work?
This mask has potential for lots of people, however try one before you buy if you can. I had one 'til someone broke into my boat and stole it, along with about a grand worth of tools, spare parts and my fish books.

I'm not replacing it 'til I can get one with a skirt that fits better. The original skirt fits wide faces and asian or pacific islander faces just great. If you are reasonalby narrow across the cheekbones you'll likely leak like a sieve and the water will pool in your line of vision and you'll need to clear constantly. That's what happend to me, I tolerated it for about 5 dives and thew it on the boat for customers to try. I dive with an ill-fitting mask regularly, but the water pools in the bottom quarter to third, not in my line of sight, water in the mask doesn't bother me, looking through water does.

They apparently came up with a new skirt and design last year but I didn't try it out at DEMA, my mistake.

If it fits, it's got some interesting plusses.
For me Hydrooptix mask was the eye opener in that I realy should take what I read on this board with a grain of salt. For this, HydroOptix, I honestly thank you!

On the subjects of price: take Scubatoys or LeisurePro:
ScybaToys Mares X-vision + prescription lenses: 45 + 2 x 36.50 = 118 USD;
Tusa Splendive II + lenses = 44.65 + 29.95 x 2 = 105 USD

HydroOptix mask = 199 USD.

Which one is cheaper?

From my limited experience, Tusa makes better lenses, but Mares X-vision offers much better field of view. This is assuming they fit you.
The original skirt of the hyrooptix is not very flexible and can leak if it doesn't happen to match the shape of your face. Their newest skirt is better. Doesn't leak for me, the first one did. If you are near sighted (3.5 to 5.5) you will have trouble believing that you can actually see clearly underwater without corrective lenses.
No one has mentioned yet the advantage of these goggles for using an underwater camera. Near sighted? Do you need bifocals to read? Are you old and blind like me, but still like to record the beauty of the underwater world? Give these a try, you won't be sorry.
I really love mine. I happen to be "the perfect blindness" to not have to wear contacts. I can see past my feet behind me when I look down and can see almost 360 degrees around me when divemastering. It's most definately a real high volume mask so it does take a little getting used to on descent, but I have no problems with clearing. Mine has a rubber strap, not neoprene (no probs rolling off any boat yet) and yeah, the suitcase (I mean box) it comes in is huge but that stays at home. I can't wait till they come out with their HUDs. Semper Fi Dave

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