Hurricanes and wreck diving.

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The North Atlantic, Canada
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As I sit and wait for Hurrican Earl to arrive I think back to the last big blow we had here and what we found on the ocean floor following hurrican Jaun back in 2003.
within days of Jaun coming ashore I had to leave for Miami to go to DEMA, but my dive buddies got in the water as quickly as they could to look at what the big waves turned up. Low and behold a train car had blowen off the tracks split open and spilled a load of leather biker clothes in the drink. They found numerous pieces around 60, still in the plastic packaging. They wern't the only ones, beach combers found hunders of pieces. As soon as I got back I got together with them and hit the water, I came up with a leather civil war style hat and a leather vest all in excellent condition.
This time we have some wrecks that are in the sand and shallow water that we plan to hit as soon as the seas calm down enouph to dive.

Any one else have some interesting stories to tell following a hurrican? Any good finds, or how did it impact your diving areas? Please do tell.

I used to dive in Cooper River, in S.C. a lot. After Hurricane Hugo hit Charleston, S.C., area we dove there again, I ran across a washing machine & refridgerator down there. Being a blackwater dive, that was eery running into those items.
I've heard that many times, I think we found the only good thing from hurricanes.
Still waiting to get in the water, the ocean is still producing very large swells as Igor passes by. Today it is knocking the crap out of Newfoundland, (one death so far). Most the hurricans seem to be coming up here this year making it a little rough for diving in the open ocean but the surfers are loving it. I guess that I will have to wait and hold on to the beleif that the best things are worth waiting for.

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