Hunting with bottles?

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I object. It is cruel. Nobody needs to hunt now days. We have this thing called the supermarket!

Oh Boy!!! That's a good one.

I guess you like a lot of other people have not been to a slaughterhouse, saw commercial fisherman bring their catch in.

If you want to see what cruel is go and see where it all starts. This way you will really find out that Mr. Purdue is not the nice little cute guy as portrayed on TV.

Most sportsmen that I know eat what they shoot. Also, when it is put on their table it is " fresh ". Not something that was slaughtered god knows how long ago.

After you have researched the above personally, I'm sure you will not say it is cruel. Humane is more like it.


P.S. That lobster I ate the other day was fresh and delicious. How
was yours.
I object. It is cruel. Nobody needs to hunt now days. We have this thing called the supermarket!

Oh? And how do you think the meat gets to the supermarket? Someone waves their hand and says "Abracadabra?" :headshake

What would you rather have?

A bloated animal, full of steroids and other 'additives', possibly been confined in a small space, killed amongst hundres of other animals on some plant floor, then sent to your local supermarket?

Or, would you rather eat meat from a wild animal that has lived a good life in freedom, has no 'additives' or steroids in it, that you have selected and had to work to kill. Then butcher it yourself the way you want it before it goes on your table?

I'll tell you what, deer meat is a heck of a lot more expensive than the supermarket once you include all the hunting equipment, gasoline, food, time, and effort. But it's worth every last cent with regards to quality, health, understanding nature, and knowing that the animal you killed was killed humanely, and not on some killing floor.
Greater amberjack aren't called "reef donkeys" for no reason. Shoot one without stoning it & things get right sporty in a hurry. Masks knocked off & regulators knocked out are not unusual, they'll beat the hell out of you. Barracuda are great fun, too. Good idea to make sure it's not pointed at someone else when you shoot it, bc they tend to haul *** in that direction when hit & your buddy may not forgive you for the aftermath...

Like beauty, 'sporting' is often in the eye of the beholder :wink:
I'll tell you what, deer meat is a heck of a lot more expensive than the supermarket once you include all the hunting equipment, gasoline, food, time, and effort. But it's worth every last cent with regards to quality, health, understanding nature, and knowing that the animal you killed was killed humanely, and not on some killing floor.

We're on the same track. My one lobster cost close to $60.00. But the end result was great.
As I said, I'm not a land hunter. My hat is off to those that are. Shoot'em, bag'em and cook'em. That's the way to go.

On the other hand I have no respect for Trophy hunter. If you don't want the meat, take it to the nearest soup kitchen. Problem solved.

Never heard of anyone getting ill from a fresh killed chicken!!!!!!!

We're on the same track. My one lobster cost close to $60.00. But the end result was great.

Hey Joe, thanks for the support! I'm feeling all warm'n'fuzzy now, but I promise to refrain from quoting Ted Nugent and his thoughts on putting food on his table. :D

Ah... what the heck... here's one that seems to fit the bill:

"I don't partake in assembly-line convenience. I don't say that killing things is bad while I hire people to kill things for me." ---Ted Nugent
Hmmm... sounds like you would love this thing called a "supermarket."

Actually, I can't imagine shooting any fish, mainly because all ours around here are too friendly. If we had something bigger that was a little more afraid of humans, I think it could be interesting.

But dropping down and shooting something that just stares at you blankly doesn't seem that interesting to me.

- ChillyWaters
The supermarket??? Good grief! There's hardly a more inefficient, damaging way to put fish on the table. Even setting the quality issue aside, when you buy a fish at the supermarket you are buying only part of what was caught. Every single commercial fishing method there is has considerable waste involved. Every supermarket miscalculates from time to time and throws fish out from spoilage. So if I choose to go the supermarket to buy one fish, I am demanding the harvesting of several, while if I go into the sea and harvest one fish, I harvest one fish.
You think the fish in the supermarket are less "friendly" than the ones you see in the wild???
If you're concerned about the survival of fish species, you should hunt and harvest only the ones you eat, only from healthy populations - not rely on some inefficient system that kills several fish for every one that makes it to the plate.
I'm not saying "don't buy fish at the supermarket" - but unless you restrict your purchases to farm-raised species (and even some of those are raised with dubious methods), just realize you're putting more pressure on the fishery than the spearfisherman for the same amount of fish on your plate.
"I don't partake in assembly-line convenience. I don't say that killing things is bad while I hire people to kill things for me." ---Ted Nugent
I have no problem with assembly line or wholesale killing. It's the people that have no realization of how and what it takes to give them a dinner on their table guilt free.

It is so easy for people to try and lay a guilt trip on you, that is what bothers me. Putting a nice piece of venison ( deer meat ) or fish on the table shows the hunter is resourceful and not wasteful.

It is nice to see that the buffalo are coming back after the supermarket people shot them for " FUN ".

When I was up north I use to go fishing for Bluefish. I came home with about 30 of them. Went around to all my neighbors and gave them a few fish. They loved me for it and I felt great knowing that no other fish were killed in order to get them.

The real point is hunting is a sport and selective shooting is far better then going to the supermarket.


I have no problem with assembly line or wholesale killing. It's the people that have no realization of how and what it takes to give them a dinner on their table
I even believe that anyone who eats meat should, at least once in their life, kill, clean, butcher, prepare and cook the meat they eat.
It's a matter of appreciation... an appreciation that can never, ever be gained from the grocery store.
I also believe everyone should plant, cultivate, water, care for and harvest some veggies at least once too - for the same reason.

Rick :)
"I don't partake in assembly-line convenience. I don't say that killing things is bad while I hire people to kill things for me." ---Ted Nugent
My Partner has a similar outlook on the meat industry.
She is a strict vegetarian and wont eat anything that resulted from the death of an animal. That includes marshmellow (Gelatine) and crisps(chips whatever you call them) along with a lot of other stuff people don't realise an animal has died for.
I on the other hand have personally killed a fair few animals in the name of food, so I will eat anything:D
Eris Lucan7*:
I dit that as child ,but today when im down the sea i hang out mostly there to find antique buildings and those ,i never bring thise off wail its the deads ownd, thats fat veg. fish no one care for is a harpoon victim mostofen here when he comes throu and whants to eat...that is most unsportly thing to do at all,well not all time it must be a big one the harpoon let not much of then stay......



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