I get people screaming about 3or 4 on these mega yachts heading down to you from up north,drop me a line ;
mnydvr@msn.com I'm Danny
They scream here too
I tell them to enjoy their slow trip and higher fuel bill.
Of course here I have very little competition. There are only (literally) a hand full of guys cleaning boats in the Baltimore Harbor. Every year a few newbies start out and after a few weeks theyre done. Youd have to be an idiot to clean boats here for $1 - $2 a foot. Youd be doing it for free. On average if we do 600 jobs a season, our expenses are $40 per job or $24,000 for workers comp, general liability and commercial marina insurance. Thats before all the other expenses tolls and gas to and from, employee payroll, equipment and supplies etc
Charging $2 a foot
wed have to 12000 ft of boats / 300 40 ft. boats before we paid the expenses and put a single $1.00 in our pocket. Thats insane. Then in the end wed make $24,000.00 for busting our rear ends on the next 300 boats.
This is the harshest of conditions
so when a guy driving a million dollar boat complains about my price, I flat out tell him well then do it yourself. They always respond that theyre not getting in that water. Of course pricing also depends on haul out availability. Our prices
as high as they seem
are still only about half of what a haul-out cost locally. So that 40 footer can pay $320 for a haul out or $160 to me. The $160 is a much better deal not just for the money savings, but the headache of doing a haul out and the stress it places on the boat.
I had a guy with a 94 ft 3.5 Million dollar boat ask me to check a vibration (he thought hes wrapped a line) on his prop. He asked me how much and I told in $95.00
he shook his head and said thats too much, Ill give you $50.00. I told him I dont get out of bed for $50
this aint a negotiation
enjoy your vibration, and I walked away from him.
If youre in an area where everybody with a dive certification is jumping in the water.. and marinas arent requiring insurance
Id say youre pretty much screwed. Youre screwed if marinas are hauling out for $2 - $4 a foot
but as long as youre cheaper than a haul out, offer more convenience and educate them on the stress haul-outs place on a hull
youre good to go.