Suggestion HTTP Compression!

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
San Diego, California, United States
# of dives
200 - 499

For my above-water day job, I work at a Internet company that maintains a lot of web sites, including some online forums that, while not quite as popular as SB, get a ton of traffic.

We just finished implementing HTTP compression on many of our servers. More than anything, this implementation has made the biggest performance and speed increase than anything else we've done. As an added bonus, our bandwidth is down as a direct result.

So I thought I'd suggest it for SB -- I'm pretty sure you're not using it yet.

Not sure what SB is using for a platform, but IIS 6 and Apache both have good support for HTTP compression. The CPU overhead is extremely minimal. I highly recommend, I'd be happy to share details if you'd like.


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