How's the Road to Drake, Costa Rica?

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Vancouver, BC
# of dives
200 - 499
I'm leaving on the 13th and will be renting a car, diving and surfing my way down the coast. I really want to dive Cano and was wondering if a 4x4 can make the trip to Drake yet? Are the rivers passable between Rincon and Drake?

Or is it easier to dive cano from somewhere on the coast south of Dominical?


the road from Palmar to Rincon is paved, after she is gravel but normally in good conditions and you can drive it with a normal car too.
The only "tricky" part ist to pass the river, but in this period there should be no problem to cross it.

Another solution ist that you drive to Sierpe, leave the car there and go by boat to Bahia Drake or dive with Lynn from Sierpe.
The 1 hour boatride down the Rio Sierpe is very scenic and worth the money!

Best regards

Chris Karrer

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