How's Gary doing?

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mpls mn.
Hay Gary how are you doing and hows that arm doing? the other old guy.
Hi Grumpy. I’m still here and working on getting fixed. The insurance company has been dragging their feet (what’s new) and didn’t act until I told them I had applied for a position at the Post Office. :wink: Two weeks later I get my MRI.

The feel that I had an infection and it’s cured so that is the end. They were upset that I went back to work so I must be fixed. So after I get the MRI the doc calls and says I have some damage. I ask what and he says I’ll tell you when you come in for an appointment. Oh and have someone to drive you home.

So that’s it so far. My appointment is this Wed at 10 and I’ll know more then and let you know.

I’ve been doing well except for the past two weeks. The numbness and aching has increased and I have had more headaches this year than I have had over my entire life, I just don’t get them very often at all.

As far as diving I have done some. We have been uneventful this year. I don’t want to say the “S” or “Q” words and jinks ourselves.

More later

Gary D.
Glad to hear that your some what better. We had a very slow year so far except for the RNC. I spent 5 nites under a bridge from 6p to 6a. listen to cars all night long, all the parkers decided to find some place else to park. We are putting a van in the gravel pit tomorror night and a safe also for training this winter.The pit operator wanted to know how deep we wanted it and I said 30-40 feet would be great. its 40 deep. He want too know if we want the drag line too put the car out there and I said no, I had a bunch of divers to do that.
let me know what they say. you may be in civil till you retire.
I thought we were finished fighting the insurance company after taking five months to get them to approve an MRI. So I get the MRI, the doc sees damage and sets me up with an appointment to start correcting the damage. Not 30 minutes after I did the last post I come back into the house and my wife has that major pissed look on her face and says, “SIT DOWN”. Oooops, I don’t think I did anything to get her that hot.

Then she proceeds to tell me she hasn’t been this mad at anyone for a long time. WHO, WHAT, ME? Then she tells me the insurance company has cut me off again. It takes two to three month to get in to see this doc and now less than two days away from my appointment the %$&^(#$%^ insurance cuts me off again.:laser:

I’m making two calls in the morning. The first is to the insurance company to find out why. The next call is to the FOP attorney to start the suit. FOP has already been aware of the problems so I don’t think they will be surprised at this latest problem.

Gary D.:shakehead:
Sorry to hear about your problems with the Insurance company. I agree you should just file suit. It sounds like you have been more than patient with them. Get better, come visit. Not necessarily in that order.
Gary, If this is work related, they have to cover you with workmens comp till all the issues are covered. they may want to medical you out on pension, with a dis.
Hope you get it worked out and much more importantly start feeling better Gary!
I get to work at 0600 this morning and get some stuff done waiting for 0800 so I can call Workman’s Comp. I make the call and they tell me they have scheduled me for a second opinion on Nov 5. Let’s see, we are 9 months and 1 day into this and now you want a second opinion? Yup, you’re going to see Dr. So in So who is OUR DOCTOR! It was nice for you to let me know. We will get the paperwork out to you next week. NEXT WEEK? Bite tongue here and just go along for now.

I go to the hospital and see the doc I originally had the appointment with and tell them. They give me the OS look and say that’s not good. Start working on your other option. So I leave and another nurse meets me in the hallway. She says he is the insurance company hatchet man and he cuts off everyone, get an attorney. I told her I had a couple ready to go when the time is right.

Then I find out from one of our deputies the he was cut off by this guy several years ago and nobody would take his case to go after them. Well there is a different tide arising and I’m not afraid to take them on. So for now we sit back and wait for the 5th of November. 9 months and 15 days into an injury.

I’m just glad they’re 400 miles away. It reduces the chances of my wife going to work for the Post Office.:catfight::argument:

Gary D.
Damn Gary, sorry to hear about all the issues from your injury. I hope your FOP attorney has some backbone in this case. It's sad, really. Same stuff happens here too. Tough thing is watching some gold digging deputy get expressed right through the system and the hard working, don't want to medically retire, get me well so I can go back to work deputies get screwed.

Let me know if there is anything at all I can do for you..

Get well my friend.


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